Blog and News

On a really sunny morning we had nine volunteers turn up.

  • We concentrated today on the Alexandrina Plantation reserve and completed the following:

  • The steps leading from Thoresby Road were cleared of debris and then swept. A step which had begun to rot was replaced. Nearly all these ste...

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Only six volunteers attended work session today, which is almost our lowest ever turnout. Hopefully this is just a blip due to holidays

Despite the low turnout we managed to complete the scheduled jobs for today which included:

  • opening up two very overgrown pathways

  • removing s...

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Following the decision to cease holding regular meetings and produce quarterly newsletters instead, you can download the latest newsletter from the Friends here.

Featured in this issue:

  • Green Flag Community Award. News Update.
  • Grassland and Wildflower Areas on Our Two Reserves.
  • Pathway ...

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The two local nature reserves managed by The Friends of Bramcote Ridge have recently been informed that they have received the Green Flag Community Award for 2015/16.

This is the seventh consecutive year they have obtained this award, and it is a fitting tribute to the hard working volunteers w...

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After a very hot and humid week today's weather was much fresher and ideal for working. As we had 10 volunteers turn up, we split into two groups in order to tackle the large amount of work needing urgent attention across both reserves.

Five of us spent the morning clearing vegetation from three...

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Eight members turned out for the session and we concentrated on jobs on the Alexandrina Plantation.

The strong winds of the past week had brought a lot of debris down onto the bridle path so four of us spent the morning clearing this and also cutting back any encroaching vegetation.

We also cl...

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