Blog & News

20 Members present. Apologies received from Claire Clyde-Watson

Chairman Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members -

  • Green Flag – Despite several difficulties in accessing the website, a submission for 2013 had been made, but as yet no response. Many thanks to Sandra Appleton for her...

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Notes of AGM Meeting held on Monday 5th November 2012 at Bramcote Memorial Hall

24 members present. Apologies from A.Evans, M.Curtis, B. Dexter.

Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair welcomed all to the meeting.

1. Matters Arising from AGM 2011
  • Membership – Few new members, especially younger...

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We are very pleased and proud to be able to announce that our two reserves have been given the Green Flag Community Award for 2013/2014. This is the fifth consecutive year we have received this award and it recognises that our sites are well-maintained and are a safe and welcoming place to visit...

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We are very pleased to be able to report that our two reserves have been awarded the Green Flag Community Award for 2012/2013. This is now the fourth consecutive year we have received this award and is in recognition of the work we do over the year to maintain the areas. The aspects that the judg...

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21 Members & 2 Guests present. Apologies received – Maureen Snow, Claire Clyde-Watson & Mary Curtis.

Chairman Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members to the meeting -


  • Green Pennant Award – The “Ridge” had been judged for the Green Pennant Award on May 14th. The judging had been very...

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17 Members present. Apologies received from C.Clyde-Watson, M & V Chamberlain, A & C Bridgewater, and M Woodward & M Curtis.

Chairman Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members on a very cold & snow covered evening -

  • Work Session – This was postponed due to the weather conditions.
  • Summe...

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Notes of Annual General Meeting, held on Monday 7th November 2011, at Bramcote Memorial Hall

20 members present. Apologies from G.Davies, C & A Bridgewater, A.Evans, M.Curtis, M & V Chamberlain.

Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair welcomed all to the meeting.

Norman announced that Barbara Maltby,...

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We are delighted to be able to report that our two Local Nature Reserves have gained the Green Flag Community Award for 2011/2012. This was previously known as the Green Pennant Award and as you know we have now received this for three consecutive years. We were proud to be the first site in Brox...

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23 members present. No apologies received

Chairman Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members to the meeting.


  1. Green Pennant Award. Now known as the Green Flag Community Award. Norman and John had shown the judges around the Ridge and all had gone well. The results are expected in Jul...

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32 Members and Guests present. Apologies rec'd from A Evans and C Clyde-Watson.


  • Tree Cutting - The badly cut trees have now been cut level to the ground following a meeting with Broxtowe BC. It is unlikely that the window previously created would be done in the future due to cost...

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