Blog and News

Nine of our members came to the working session which, although slighty less than usual, was still a good turnout considering that at least four of our 'regulars' were away from home.

The priority for the day was to thoroughly rake over the two annual wildflower areas which had been rotovated for...

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After the clearance of numerous trees and shrubs towards the end of last year, the next stage in the restoration plan was to bring another machine on to the site in order to strip off the existing layer of topsoil. This will lower the nutrient level of the area and thus make it more favourable...

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A low turnout of only 7 members meant the planned jobs had to be scaled back and just the priority jobs were tackled. These were:

  • A litter pick across both reserves saw significantly more than usual amount of rubbish collected, and removed from ythe sites.
  • 6 new bat boxes erected.
  • The tw...

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The first sunny day for over a week saw 16 members turning out to help with the work on the reserves. The Mayor of Broxtowe, Councillor Iris White, and Chris Riley from Broxtowe Borough Council also came along to help plant seedlings in the newly laid hedge. This will fill in the gaps and help to...

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Following the decision to cease holding regular meetings and produce quarterly newsletters instead, you can download the latest newsletter from the Friends here.

Featured in this issue:

  • Sandy Lane Local Nature Reserve Hedge Laying and Grassland Restoration.
  • Working Sessions October to Dec...

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The weather was kind to us on this Sunday, following a week of almost unrelenting rain and winds.

14 of the group turned out for what we have always called "our annual clear up". Even though the amount of litter collected was far less than a few year's ago the group still managed to fill seven b...

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