We had an amazing turnout of 16 members this morning and 6 children with them. Fortunately the weather was kind to us again so we were able to complete most of the planting.
We had an excellent turnout of 15 volunteers for this morning’s work session, so were able to complete all the scheduled jobs for this month which included the following:
Here's the latest quarterly newsletter from the Friends.
We had another good turnout this morning with 12 members attending. We also had the Mayor of Broxtowe, Chris Riley from the Council and one of the Bramcote councillors come along too.
Chris spoke to us about future plans for developing the different habitats to make the areas more suitable for t...
On a cold but at least dry morning we had nine members turning out and the jobs completed were:
Notes of AGM meeting on 1st November 2021 held at 7.30pm at Bramcote Memorial Hall.
14 members present.