Blog & News

22 members present. Apologies from E Sweetman & C.Hemsley.

Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair - welcomed Friends to the AGM and the following Reports were presented (copies are held by the Secretary):-

Matters Arising from 2007

Protection of Open Spaces. Broxtowe BC had assured us that the Ridge...

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21 Members present. Apologies - W.Grauberg, A.Evans, E & M Curtis, G & D Smith.

Norman Clyde-Watson introduced Stuart Dixon from Hebbs Farm who gave an illustrated talk called 'Gardens Great & Small'.

Stuart, a knowledgeable and keen 'gardener' informed and amused members with many anecdot...

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24 Members and 2 Guests present. No Apologies.

Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members & advised the meeting of the following


  • Wildflower Area. The area has been rotovated and the seeds are ready to plant. This will be done by the next Working Group. This will take place on Sunday...

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18 members present. Apologies from Alan Evans.

Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members & gave the following notices -


  • Litter Pick. Tim Crawford of Broxtowe BC had thanked the Friends for the litter pick in Bramcote Park held recently.
  • Norman had been thanked by Steve Fisher of BBC...

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25 members & 2 guests present. Apologies from Geoff Smith.

Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members & guests to the first meeting of the year.


  • Thanks to all who helped to clear the litter from the Ridge. Generally, there was less found than in previous years. Broxtowe BC promptly rem...

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22 members present. Apologies from G.Smith, A.Evans, R & B Dexter & L.Cooper.

Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair - welcomed Friends to the AGM and the following Reports were presented - copies are held by the Secretary

Chairman's Report.

  • No new major projects had been undertaken, but the grou...

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20 members & 1 guest present. Apologies from Walter Grauberg.

Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members & guests to the meeting.


  • Outcome of CAT meeting regarding the Bridleway. Lighting was not considered an option. The steps would be levelled and surfaced with a sprayed aggregate (r...

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24 members & friends present. Apologies from G Ward, A Evans, M Hodges, L Cooper & J Appleton.

Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members & friends to the meeting. The Summer Newsletter had been circulated.

Matters arising: -

  • John Appleton had donated a Nesting Box which was to be raffled for f...

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18 Members present. Apologies from Walter Grauberg and Eric & Mary Curtis.

Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed all and reported:-

  • He thanked those members who had helped with Wild Flower seeding and Hedgerow Clearing.
  • Chris Riley of Broxtowe B.C. had confirmed that this year the edges of paths on...

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17 Members present. Apologies from Norman & Clare Clyde-Watson & Mary Curtis.

Sheila Hardy welcomed members and there were no outstanding notices.

  • John Appleton displayed a draft poster produced by Broxtowe B.C. which, with some minor alterations, would be used on the two information boards...

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