Blog & News

A successful social evening was held in December with 27 members present. Apologies from Marilyn & Gwyn Davies, Harold & Alice Hollingsworth & Janice Oldham.

  • Norman thanked Angela & Kevin for the use of The Rose Grower for our meetings.
  • Special thanks were made to Walter for his past work as...

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28 members were present.

Apologies were received from Norman Clyde-Watson , Geoff. and Doreen Smith and Enid Swetnam.


Walter Grauberg, as Chairman, reported a small increase in membership, from 62 to 66, good attendance at the Monday meetings, in the high 20’s, but a reduced particip...

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28 members were present, one of our best attendances.

Before the main business of the meeting, Norman Clyde-Watson gave out a few notices:

  • At the request of the contractors; work on surfacing the footpath, due to start that week, would now start on Monday 21st October.
  • Geoff. Fewkes would...

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21 members were present, with apologies from Geoff. and Doreen Smith, Bob Smith, Heather and John Cox. In spite of having taken over the pub only three hours previously, the new landlord, Kevin, and his wife Angela made us welcome.

Walter reported on events since the June meeting.

Lottery Grant...

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25 members were present.

The meeting was mainly devoted to a presentation about owls by Jim Slaney of the Greenwood Owl Rescue Centre. He had come with his wife Pat, bringing not only a display board of photographs, but two tame owls, a Tawny and a Barn owl, who sat quietly on their perches and a...

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27 members were present. Iris Clarke sent her apologies. Some internal issues were discussed.

1. Monday meetings. The talks on bats and badgers had been very successful. Norman Clyde-Watson announced that Dr. Sheila Wright would be leading two bat walks in Wollaton Park, on Wednesday 29th ...

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32 members were present, our highest attendance so far. Laurence Cooper sent his apologies.

David Godfrey, Chairman of the Notts. Badger Group, spoke about the badger. His wide-ranging talk, richly illustrated with slides, covered the life, habitat and activities of the European badger. Related...

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28 members were present; Iris Clarke sent her apologies.

Dr. Sheila Wright from the Natural History Museum, Wollaton Hall, spoke about Bats. Using beautiful slides, she talked about the bats' life cycle, biology and habitat, and dispelled several myths about them. She dwelt in particular on the...

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Friends of Bramcote Ridge - Meeting of 5 November 2001

24 people present. Apologies from Glyn Yeoman, Rodney and Barbara Dexter and Doreen Smith.

Before the AGM Geoff Smith talked about his horticultural work with mentally handicapped people at Bestwood Community Centre. With a class of 8 and...

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There were 33 present.

Walter Grauberg, as chairman of the group, welcomed in particular those who had come in response to letters distributed to residents of Bramcote View and Wollaton living near the Ridge.

He briefly traced the history of the group from its formation in 1999, its aim to pro...

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