Blog & News

Today we had 9 members this morning and all the scheduled jobs were completed.

These jobs were:

  • Clearing the really muddy section at the bottom end of the bridleway which wasn’t dealt with last month. 2022-12b
  • Replacing the rest of the edging to the footpath alongside the wildflower area near the S...

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Notes of AGM meeting on 7th November 2022 held at 7.30pm at Bramcote Memorial Hall.


Chair: Helene Laanest

Committee present: John Appleton, Jane Hardman, Steve Severn, Eric Curtis (Treasurer), Nick Woodier (Secretary/ minutes)

Total in attendance: 16

Apologies from: Elizabeth Da...

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We had 9 members this morning and the jobs completed were as follows:

  • 120 wild daffodil bulbs were planted on Alexandrina Plantation in the perennial wildflower area. 2022-11a

  • Two trees on the Markham Rd reserve were cut down and cleared. One had fallen across a path and the other was just being...

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We had 12 members this morning on what was a really pleasant autumn day.

The main job this morning was clearing out the existing bird boxes, removing any that needed repair, and erecting two new boxes. This was completed and all the boxes had been used with only one where the bird had been distur...

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Here's the latest quarterly newsletter from the Friends.

Featured in this issue:

  • Working Sessions Report July to September 2022

Click to Download (pdf)

The newsletters are added to the website a few weeks after paid members receive their copies, so if you want to receive these 'hot off...

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This year's Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 7th November at 7:30pm at Memorial Hall Church Street Bramcote Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG9 3HD. Please put the date in your diary and start thinking of anything you want to discuss, suggestions you want to make etc.

Collection of subscri...

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We only had a very small turnout this morning, but with the exceptionally dry weather there was little work that needed urgent attention.

  • The usual litter collection was completed on both reserves.
  • The rest of us cleared bramble from around the hazel trees planted just over two years ago ......

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Another good turnout of 13 members this morning.

  • The wildflower area alongside Thoresby Rd was surrounded by mugwort, so two of us spent the session removing all of these and bagging it up so it could be removed from the reserve. Hopefully we have managed to remove it before it had set seed but...

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Here's the latest quarterly newsletter from the Friends.

Featured in this issue:

  • Green Flag Community Award 2022-2023 Retained
  • Working Sessions Report April to June 2022
  • New Members

Click to Download (pdf)

The newsletters are added to the website a few weeks after paid members recie...

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Probably because of the bank holiday weekend we had only 10 volunteers coming this morning.

  • We did clear the bridle path and as well as soil that had been washed down being removed the whole path was cleared to its full width and it had a really thorough sweep. DSCN8523
  • Two of the group went round all...

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