…were received from Iris Clarke and Chris Riley
The Draft text, as proposed by the Steering Committee, and previously circulated, was discussed in detail and some amendments made. Adoption of the revised text was proposed by Jack Bignell and seconded by Bob Sm...
1, Bracken. The bash on Sunday 6th August was again very successful. Looking ‘well hammered’ it seems to have had enough for this season. Unfortunately, it will sprout again nest spring and will require further attacks. Well done to all who helped.
2, Brierley Park. Terry Birch, Chairman of...
1, Copies of an article in the Evening Post on Tuesday 13 July about the Friends of Bramcote Ridge were distributed.
2, The working party on July 11 had done a good job in moving the branches left from the tree cutting down to Thoresby Road, where they were later removed by Council workmen.
3, E...
1, The Bracken bash - was successful, with 12 people participating
2, Exhibition - A minimum display area of 3ft x 3ft available, probably more. Large scale OS maps too costly, maps from Broxtowe BC seem usable, with contours added. One would show selected vegetation (Geoff Ward), the other, b...
1, Geoff Fewkes was warmly thanked for leading the walk on 17 May. A programme of work was distributed for three Sunday morning Sessions at 10:30am to bash bracken and pull rosebay on 27 June, 11 July and 8 August. (Meet at the top of Sandy Lane).
Perhaps Richard Phipps, who is making a video...
Walter Grauberg convened and chaired the metting. There were about 24 people present. Water introduced Martin Loockhart from the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (and also a local resident), Chris Riley from Broxtowe Borough Council and Greoff Fewkes whose research study is informing some...