1. Apologies
…were received from Iris Clarke and Chris Riley
2. Constitution
The Draft text, as proposed by the Steering Committee, and previously circulated, was discussed in detail and some amendments made. Adoption of the revised text was proposed by Jack Bignell and seconded by Bob Smith and agreed unanimously.
3. Committee
The following were elected
Position | Name |
Chairman | Walter Grauberg |
Vice-Chairman | Norman Clyde-Watson |
Secretary | Sheila Hardy |
Treasurer | Laurence Cooper |
Member | John Appleton |
Member | Eric Curtis |
Member | Geoff Fewkes |
Member | Geoff Ward |
Co-Opted | Geoff Smith |
3. Subscriptions
It was agreed that the subscription for the year should be £2. Cheques should be signed by two people: The Treasurer and either the Chairman or the Vice Chairman
4. Programme
Monday meetings
- 6 December – Social evening, with members bringing snacks to share
- 3 January – No meeting
- 7 February – Talk by John Appleton: “ Birds on the Ridge”
Possible speakers for March: Mr Lowe (from the former Lowes Nursery) or the previous owner of Bankfield Farm.
Work Projects
Geoff Fewkes circulated a Provisional Winter Work Programme on Sunday Mornings (Meet 10:30 at the top of Sandy Lane)
- 5 December – National Tree Week
- 16 January – New Year Tidy
- 13 February – Footpath Maintenance
- 26 March - Bramble Thinning
Priority for the future To secure funding for the establishment for a pathway
NB These notes are being delivered to all those who have shown an interest in the Friends: full distribution will continue until February 2000. We hope that many who are in sympathy with our aims and activities yet cannot take part in our meetings or work programme will wish to show their support by becoming members.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.