Minutes of Annual General Meeting - held on 4th November 2024 at 7.30pm, Bramcote Memorial Hall.


Chair: HL Committee present: SS (Treasurer), NW (Secretary, minutes), RA, JH, BH and AB. Apologies received from: SH, AB, BA and ED. Attendees: 15 (including Committee)

HL welcomed all to the 2024 AGM.

Matters arising from the last AGM (2023)

HL summarised the matters arising from the 2023 AGM:

  • Information boards – no progress has been made with these over the past year. It is hoped that the FOBR will be able to action this over the next year.
  • Wildflower survey – last year the FOBR had two students undertaking this as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. This year the survey has not progressed. To progress this in the future a volunteer with expertise is needed. HL asked the attendees to inform the Committee of any potential volunteers.
  • Storage arrangements for equipment – HL described the long-term intent to place a lockbox at the Sandy Lane entrance for equipment, and several quotes have been sourced. The Council have also provided information about planning permission. As an alternative, the FOBR are also exploring the possibility of placing a storage box at the location of the phone mast.
Chair person’s report

HL provided a summary of the following:

  • Greenwood Community Forum – the FOBR have started to develop a ‘banner’ to advertise their work during activities. This is supported by the Greenwood Community Forum. Over the past year, the FOBR have hosted a community event alongside the Forum which was well received.
  • Membership – the FOBR have gained 6 new members this year. The current membership is 42.
  • Work session report – an overview of additional activities undertaken this year was provided. These activities included a litter pick along surrounding roads during posting of FOBR leaflets, placement of new bird boxes, and attempts to clear the Russian vine.
  • Future plans – it was described that there are plans to turn the Mugwort triangle into an orchard area. It is the intent of the Council to spray the area to help clear perennial weeds and provide fruit trees.
Green Flag Award

RA confirmed that the Ridge had received the award for the 16th consecutive year. Green Flag suggested that a hand rail may be beneficial for the steps leading down to Thoresby Road. The Green Flag assessor commended the FOBR for their enthusiasm and commitment.


RA also provided an overview of the Bioblitz event which took place on 23-25 August in collaboration with other organisations, including the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. The aim was to better record the species of flora and fauna that inhabit the Ridge, and to better publicise the area. Bat detectors were also used and the Nottinghamshire Amphibian and Reptile Group also placed collection devices around the Ridge.

Nine mammals including fox and badger were spotted during the Bioblitz. The FOBR have received a full list of fauna including bats,16 bird species (including a tawny owl), spiders, beetles, butterflies, moths, dragonflies, grasshoppers and crickets. All the data has been uploaded to the internet. The list will be shared via the FOBR website. The FOBR noted that moles were not on the list, but these are evident on the Ridge (these have now been added to the iRecord along with wild carrot).

Bird and butterfly summary

SA presented the summary on behalf of JA. It was described as a ‘disappointing’ year. Orange tip and red admiral were common (April to September 2024); otherwise the selection was more limited. Next year, there is hope of seeing purple hairstreak, as a local resident has potentially spotted these near the entrance from Jasmine Close.

No fieldfare or whitethroat were spotted this year, but 14/15 bird boxes checked so far had been used. Recently, four jays were seen together on the Ridge as well as several parakeets.

HL passed her thanks to all those who record bird and butterfly recordings, and to JH for her litter picking.

Treasurer report

SS provided the report and a copy of the accounts. Funds have been boosted by the activities of the Bioblitz. SS shared his thanks for the efforts of RA and HL, and those who provided cakes.

Expenditure over the past year was £448 with a reduction in overall balance. This is because the FOBR have paid the insurance fees, but Broxtowe Borough Council will reimburse these. The accounts remain healthy, with £1012.99 currently. Bird boxes were the exceptional items bought this year.

SS confirmed that Lloyds Bank will be charging £50 per year for a bank account, so he is looking elsewhere. Co-Op and Nationwide have been suggested. Bank details will change before 14 January 2025.

SS encouraged all members to now pay their subscriptions which will remain at £5 per year. If additional expenditure is required, such as for a storage shed, alternative sources of funding will first be sought before coming to members. SS shared the preference for the FOBR to pay subscriptions via bank transfer.

Update to the Constitution

The FOBR Constitution was discussed. AB confirmed that the previous constitution was brief and so had drafted an update. SS shared that the Constitution now includes added information related to financial management, including that accounts were not to be ‘audited’ externally; rather accounts will be audited internally and then be reviewed by a competent person.

The FOBR asked whether the absence of an auditor was a potential risk for the Treasurer. AB described that it is not a legal requirement for an organisation such as the FOBR (with under £5k turnover) to have an auditor. AB has offered to independently review the accounts until further notice. SS also offered for anyone to examine the finances should they wish.

The draft Constitution has been shared with the FOBR. Feedback included the need to note the requirement for third-party liability insurance. The following wording was suggested: ‘To pay the necessary expenses, including insurance, involved in running the group.’

HL brought the changes to the Constitution to the vote to confirm whether the FOBR were in agreement. There was unanimous support. It was agreed that, any further comments should be shared with HL or SS within the next 28 days; at that point, the Committee will sign-off the revised Constitution.

Committee changes

HL led the thanks to AB who is standing down from the Committee this year. The FOBR are grateful for his years of support. Other members of the Committee confirmed that they were willing to continue in their roles; HL offered opportunity for anyone to raise any objections. No objections were received from those present.

HL brought the continuation of the current Committee to the vote to confirm whether the FOBR were in agreement with continuation in its current form. There was unanimous support.

SS raised that, with AB standing down, a further signatory would be required for the bank account. AB offered to do this in the interim until a new bank account is sorted.

Any other business

NW shared that safeguarding and health/safety policies had been updated and that these will be shared with the FOBR once ratified by the Committee.

HL confirmed the date of the next AGM as 3 November 2025

Meeting closed at 20:15

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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