Blog and News

23 members present. No apologies received

Chairman Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members to the meeting.


  1. Green Pennant Award. Now known as the Green Flag Community Award. Norman and John had shown the judges around the Ridge and all had gone well. The results are expected in Jul...

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32 Members and Guests present. Apologies rec'd from A Evans and C Clyde-Watson.


  • Tree Cutting - The badly cut trees have now been cut level to the ground following a meeting with Broxtowe BC. It is unlikely that the window previously created would be done in the future due to cost...

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Notes of Annual General Meeting, held on Monday 1 November 2010, at the Bramcote Memorial Hall.

21 members present. Apologies received from B & R Dexter, E Fewkes, W Davies, J Oldham, P Glover, M Woodward, C Clyde-Watson, C & A Bridgewater

1. Matters arising from AGM 2009

  • Requests for noti...

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We are pleased and proud to be able to announce that our application for a Green Pennant award for 2010/11 has been successful!

Last year we were the first site in Broxtowe to be awarded a Green Pennant and to have achieved it for a second year is very satisfying.

The Green Pennant aw...

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24 Members present. Apologies received from Norman Clyde-Watson, John Appleton, Geoff and Doreen Smith.

Sheila Hardy reported for on behalf of the Chairman

Matters arising

  1. Winter and spring work sessions had been well attended with completion of re-seeding of wild flower areas and creation...

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20 members present. Apologies received from E. Fewkes

Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members to the first meeting of 2010 -Matters arising:-

  1. Norman and John had now completed and submitted the application for the Green Pennant 2010 which had been acknowledged. Expected date for result is May/Ju...

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