Notes of Annual General Meeting, held on Monday 1 November 2010, at the Bramcote Memorial Hall.

21 members present. Apologies received from B & R Dexter, E Fewkes, W Davies, J Oldham, P Glover, M Woodward, C Clyde-Watson, C & A Bridgewater

1. Matters arising from AGM 2009

  • Requests for notices to be sent via email - only 4 members responded, so existing system to remain.
  • Lack of Council activity on the Ridge. Norman reported that BBC had been very active with path restoration, providing chippings for new path and future planting (see later). He felt that BBC were active and involved this year.

    The following reports were presented (copies are held by Secretary):

2. Chairman's report

  • The Committee had met 3 times and Norman had represented the group at several meetings with Broxtowe BC raising concerns over the use and continued deterioration of the Golf Club site and graffiti on the ridge.
  • The second application for the Green Pennant Award had been successful with favourable reports re Publicity, Safety, Litter and Wildflowers. A display was provided for those present at the AGM.
  • An application has been made to Green Guardians for a funding award with the aim of reducing/controlling the amount of Bracken on the Ridge.

3. Working Groups Report

John Appleton reported on activities:

  • There were 11 workdays during the year with an average number of 13 members with 2-3 members also undertaking some work during other weekdays.
  • Work on the Wooded area near Heather Rise continues
  • Litter had been picked both locally on the Ridge and in Bramcote Park on a regular basis
  • The Wild Flower area had been re-seeded and a path made for access to the new seat.
  • The Bird Boxes had all been used, cleaned and re-sited. New Bird Boxes and Bat Boxes were made and erected

4. Treasurer's Report

Eric Curtis circulated the balance sheet for the year. A copy is on file.

Bank Balance was 10% up on last year mainly due to the shared insurance and also a "free" year subscription to the BTCV for being awarded the Green Pennant.

There was also a generous donation of £90 from John Appleton.

Also thanks were given to Nick Cooper for auditing the Accounts without charge (for 9 years!).

5. Meetings for 2011

Monday 7 February - Speaker will be Graham Crisp on 'History in Bramcote'

Monday 16 May - Speaker will be Paul Summers (Broxtowe BC) on Modern Waste Management in Broxtowe .

Monday 7th November - Annual General Meeting

All meetings will be held at the Memorial Hal, Bramcote and commence at 7:30pm

6. Surveys

John Appleton reported on the butterfly and bird surveys which had again shown how much activity occurred on and around the ridge. In particular, 19 species of Butterfly were recorded, but with less numbers of some varieties. 42 species of Bird were recorded - of note were breeding pairs of Willow Warblers and Whitethroat. Some unusual species had been seen in nearby gardens including Mallard, Wryneck, Barn Owl, Parakeets and Sparrow Hawk. Norman thanked John for his continuing survey work, and to Sheila Hardy in John Cox for their help with the recording.

7. Committee

  • Norman reported that Heather was standing down and thanked her for her work in arranging such interesting speakers in 2010. A gift was presented.
  • Current Committee members were willing to continue and were re-elected unopposed.
  • One nomination, Jane Hardman, was received to replace Heather - proposed by Norman and seconded by Claire Clyde- Watson. Accepted
  • Norman thanked members of the Committee, to john for his help in preparing the Green Pennant application, to Eric, Mary and others for distribution of the Newsletters.
  • Norman also expressed his thanks to Chris Riley, Tim Crawford, and Steve Fisher of BBC for their continuing support to the Friends Group.
  • Also to Geoff Fewkes and Dave Woodward for restoring the ridge Website which can be found at

8. AOB

  • Walter expressed thanks to the Committee for their work and also hoped that younger persons could be enticed into the group. Norman accepted this for the future.
  • Subscriptions agreed to remain at £5.00 per member and are payable now to Eric Curtis.

The AGM closed at 8:15pm with refreshments

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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