32 Members and Guests present. Apologies rec'd from A Evans and C Clyde-Watson.


  • Tree Cutting - The badly cut trees have now been cut level to the ground following a meeting with Broxtowe BC. It is unlikely that the window previously created would be done in the future due to cost.
  • Wild flower area - This has been rotovated and seeded.
  • Bird Boxes - Broxtowe BC have given the Friends 11 bird boxes will be installed on the Ridge in due course.
  • Green Pennant Award - This is now known as the Green Flag Community award. Norman and John have now completed and submitted this year's application.
  • Presentation - Norman and John have been invited to give a presentation about making applications for awards to a meeting at Shipley Park on Monday 14 February.
  • Next work Session - Sunday 13 February when Chris Riley (Broxtowe BC) will be joining the group to undertake the seeding of the lower area of the Ridge. We would like as many members as possible to attend.

Next Meeting - Monday 16 May at Bramcote Memorial Hall. The speaker will be Paul summers who will give a talk on "How the Council deals with Waste"

There were no other notices so Norman introduced Graham Crisp who gave an illustrated talk on ...

Aspect of the History of Bramcote Moor and Hills in Nottinghamshire

Graham described the development from the early enclosures to the use of Balloon Woods Industrial by Rolls Royce in 1940.

It became apparent that ownership of grazing rights through 'Beastgates' by Lord Middleton, John Sherwin and the Church played a significant part in the development of the area and was predominantly farmed between 1680 and 1830.

Other features included the cutting and transport of coal from the Bramcote Moor area. The Bramcote Sough or waterway was used to drain the mines and also for sand extraction.

The use of Balloon Woods Industrial Estate for testing of Rolls Royce engines during the Second World War was a major factor in keeping the planes in the air.

Some unanswered questions included..

  1. The purpose of the Cutting on Moor Lane - it was not a railway
  2. The origin of the 'Deddington' title

Norman thanked Graham for his interesting talk

The meeting closed at 9:15pm

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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