There were 33 present.
Walter Grauberg, as chairman of the group, welcomed in particular those who had come in response to letters distributed to residents of Bramcote View and Wollaton living near the Ridge.
He briefly traced the history of the group from its formation in 1999, its aim to provide sensitive management of the area, while maintaining its semi-wild state, and the work done so far. After mentioning the monthly evening meetings with talks on the environment and the practical sessions on Sunday mornings, he introduced some members of the committee.
Norman Clyde-Watson, Vice-Chairman, organises the Monday evening meetings at the Rose Grower pub. For Monday 1st October a talk on hedgehogs had been planned, but the speaker is unable to come. Instead, Alan Evans will run a quiz on Beeston. Meet at the bandstand on Beeston Square with clipboard and pencil. It is hoped in the future to bring in speakers on badgers, bats and the conservation work of the National Trust
Geoff Fewkes organises the practical programme . He stressed the importance of the forthcoming session on the weekend of 15 and 16th September, when Friends will remove grass cuttings from the large area behind Cranston Road and Burnside Drive. This is our major project in the year, carried out in partnership with Broxtowe Borough Council, who arrange for the mowing and the provision of a large (and expensive) skip. With increased membership we could consider extending our activity to the area east of the bridleway on the part owned by Broxtowe.
Geoff has 25 kg. of grass seed available for good causes.
Laurence Cooper (Treasurer and Membership Secretary) confirmed that the annual subscription is £2. Anyone joining now would enjoy membership for 14 months until November 2002
Sheila Hardy is the Secretary. She keeps notes of meetings.
John Appleton has a special interest in birds. He produces a newssheet called 'The Bird Box', of which the next, due in October, will be on the mistle-thrush. Of the three bird boxes put up on the Ridge last year, two have had blue tits raised in them, the third had eggs, but was disturbed and may be relocated. With the help of four members, John has started a butterfly survey. A first report will be issued at the AGM this November, though the results of the survey won't be clear for another 4-5 years.
John appealed for unwanted seeds, especially large ones, to b-e sent to the charity 'Thrive'. They should be labelled, with details of type and colour, and given to him to send off
Sundry Items
- Walter stressed that, although the group is affiliated to the Bramcote Hills Community Association, it welcomes members from all parts of Bramcote and Wollaton .
- A meeting on the flora and fauna of the region will take place in the Bramcote Church Centre on Tuesday, 2nd October at 7.30 pm. Friends of Bramcote Ridge will be welcome.
- A small raffle was held at the end of the meeting with two jars of Bramcote jam, made and kindly offered by Sheila Hardy, as prizes.
- 12 new members joined!
Dates to remember
- Saturday 15th September 10.30-4.30 - Grass Removal (Meet on top of Sandy Lane. Bring rake and gloves)
- Sunday 16th September 10.30-12.30 - Grass Removal etc.
- Monday 1st October - Beeston Quiz 7 pm. - Meet at the bandstand on Beeston Square. Bring clip board and pencil
- Monday 5th November Monday 7.30 pm- AGM at the Rose Grower
- Monday3rd December 7. 30 pm - Christmas Social at the Rose Grower.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.