Slide show. 17 Friends and 4 visitors from the Wollaton Natural History Society were present to see slides shown by Ron Price from that society on 'Images from Nature '. Walter welcomed the visitors and introduced the speaker, who showed a large number of superb photos in close up of flowers, plants, and birds from various parts of Britain. Answering questions, Ron Price said that he always used a tripod, cable shutter release, light reflector and no flash. He was thanked and warmly applauded.

Report from Committee meeting of 15th January

Path. The Committee recommended that any decision whether to seek funding to surface the rest of the circular route should be postponed until the new path had bedded down, perhaps in 1-2 years. Members agreed.

Interpretation Board(s). The Committee had learned that a weather- and vandal proof board would cost £1500. It recommended that the idea be dropped. Members agreed.

Bench(es). The Committee had learned that a steel vandal proof bench would cost £500. It recommended one or two simpler structures, near but not directly on the summit. Walter had since spoken to Tim Crawford from Broxtowe Borough Council, who had offered to put up one or two benches. Members gratefully welcomed this.

Grant from Bramcote Millennium Committee. The Committee had learned that the Millennium Committee would soon allocate its extant balance. It was agreed that a bid should be made to help purchase a petrol strimmer (cost £400). The Millennium Committee had agreed to contribute £200. Walter had received from the Chairman, Stan Heptinstall, a cheque for that sum, together with a letter congratulating the group on its activities. He handed the cheque to the Treasurer.

Working sessions

  • Sunday 25th February at 10.30. Work on paths. Gloves, spade, a few wheel barrows.
  • Sunday 11th March at 10.30. Work on paths continued.

Monday evening meetings

  • Monday 5th March. Teresa Cooper from 'Hedgehog Care' will speak on 'Hedgehogs'. (with live animals!)
  • Monday 2nd April. Margaret Cooper will give a talk on 'Bramcote'.

Butterfly Survey. John Appleton outlined a scheme to make a systematic survey of butterflies on the Ridge. Volunteers were sought to walk two routes weekly. Linda Whitt, Heather and John Cox, and Doreen Smith (to be confirmed) offered. John will coordinate arrangements.

Bird newssheet. John Appleton distributed copies of a newssheet 'Bird Box', to be circulated every quarter.

Bird Boxes. John Appleton reported that 3 bird boxes had been put up on the Ridge. Their location would remain secret!

Thanks. Geoffrey Smith thanked Walter for his work to seek funding and for the successful outcome of his efforts. Members agreed.

Note 1. Any member who is free on Tuesday, 27 February is cordially invited to attend the AGM of the Bramcote Hills Community Association at 7.30 in the Library of the Bramcote Hills Comprehensive School (at the top). Walter will talk briefly about our group and Geoff Fewkes will bring our display board. This could be a chance to gain new members!

Note 2. Walter has received a copy of the latest brochure on BTCV Conservation Holidays and training courses. Please contact hi m if you would like to see it.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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