Friends of Bramcote Ridge - Meeting of 5 November 2001

24 people present. Apologies from Glyn Yeoman, Rodney and Barbara Dexter and Doreen Smith.

Before the AGM Geoff Smith talked about his horticultural work with mentally handicapped people at Bestwood Community Centre. With a class of 8 and a helper, £700 worth of bedding plants had been grown, and a Millennium Garden Project had transformed an overgrown area into a garden. The work was challenging but very rewarding, and Geoff encouraged members to support the Centre at one of its regular Open Days.



In his Chairman's report, Walter Grauberg recalled that at the AGM last year we knew that a grant had been obtained to build a path to the summit, but no work had started. By Christmas the path had become a reality and was now a much-appreciated feature, further enhanced by the two wooden benches built by the Council in the spring. Membership had risen from the initial 24 to 37 last November and to 62 this year. Extension to the area east of the bridleway, the former Lowes Nursery Estate, was considered. A precondition of this was an increase in the number of active volunteers. To achieve this, over 900 letters were distributed in Wollaton and the Lowes Nursery Estate. As a result, 12 new members joined, but there was only a slight increase in the number of active participants. Work in the new area would therefore have to be limited.

Our relationship with Broxtowe Borough Council remained good and our sense of responsibility for our area was recognised. Members were therefore encouraged to direct comments or complaints about the Ridge in the first instance to the Committee rather than directly to the Council. BBC had commissioned a survey of the whole Ridge by Groundwork Greater Nottingham. In places this was incorrect, and a meeting with an officer of the Council would take place soon for joint consideration of the way ahead.

Walter thanked the Committee for its hard work and the membership as a whole for its continuing support.

Norman Clyde-Watson reported on the Evening Meetings. A Social in December had been followed by an illustrated talk on Fauna and Flora by Ron Price from the Wollaton Natural History Society. Foot and Mouth meant the cancellation of a talk on hedgehogs and of visits to other sites, but Margaret Cooper spoke about old Bramcote. During the summer the group met socially and in September new members were welcomed. A walk and quiz about Beeston, arranged by Alan Evans in October, was fun. Norman then outlined the forthcoming programme.

  • 3 December there will be a Christmas Social (see below for details).
  • There will be no meeting in January.
  • 4 February Dr. Sheila Wright will talk on "Bats"
  • 4 March David Godfrey will talk on "Badgers"
  • The date of the April meeting may have to be rescheduled because of Easter.

Project Work. Geoff Fewkes reported that a quarter of a mile of pathways had been improved, steps had been cleared, bracken bashed and grass collected. A volunteer for the Duke of Edinburgh Award, Matt Hart, had helped (A full report by Geoff on the year's work is enclosed).

Treasurer's Report, presented by Laurence Cooper. This had been previously circulated to all members and little explanation was needed. We have a heal thy balance of £149 .73.

Butterfly survey John Appleton spoke about the first year of this survey, covering both sides of the bridleway. 4 members and himself regularly walk over four routes, logging any butterflies within 5metres, together with the weather at the time. Results are sent to the Notts Coordinator of the Butterfly Conservation Society. This year's results will form the basis for comparative data over the next 4 or 5 years. 21 species had been recorded, the 5 commonest ones being Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood, Ringlet and Small Skipper. Two rare migrants, Painted Lady and Brimstone, were also seen. Butterflies give an indication of the health of the environment, and are part of the natural food cycle of birds. A list of plants to attract butterflies can be obtained from John. To complement his talk, John had produced a splendid display of photos and detailed records, and he was warmly thanked by the meeting. Walter also thanked him for the regular newsletter the 'Bird Box'.

Next Year's Subscription

The Committee recommended that it should remain at £2. This was agreed.

Elections to the Committee.

The current 8 members of the committee are willing to continue. There being no other nominations, they were re-elected.

Geoff Smith, who had been co-opted, wished to stand down, and was thanked for his contributions.

Dave Woodward from David Grove was coopted.

John Cox proposed a vote of thanks to the committee for their work over the last year.

Any other business

For the Christmas Social on 3 December, everyone coming is asked to bring, in addition to food, a small wrapped item as a raffle prize, with tickets sold at £ I to raise funds.

It was suggested that new members should be given a map of the area to facilitate recognition.

Reminder 1. The next work session is on 18 November. Meet at 10.30, bringing a spade and gloves.

Reminder 2. We hope that all will wish to renew their membership. If you have not yet paid your subscription, please put £2 in cash into an envelope with your name on it and push it through the letter box of Laurence Cooper home, or send him a cheque payable to 'Friends of Bramcote Ridge'.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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