33 people present, including some prospective new members. Walter introduced Tim Crawford from Broxtowe Borough Council as someone who had constantly supported the Friends of Bramcote Ridge.

Tim Crawford had come to Nottingham in the early 1980s. His official position now was Environmental Services Manager, responsible for parks, leisure facilities and, more recently, street cleaning. ‘Parks’ includes open spaces, playing fields, cemeteries and ‘anything green’ and covered 43 major sites. All work is now subject to competitive tendering and contracts, with Continental Landscapes being responsible for Bramcote. Tim described in some detail the development of the Walled Garden in Bramcote Park and circulated photographs of it. He stayed for the AGM and praised the work of the Friends as an example of a fruitful partnership with the Council.


Reports. In his Chairman’s report on the first year of the group, Walter mentioned some tangible signs of progress: the rise in membership from 24 to 37, visible improvements on the Ridge, interesting meetings, a sound financial basis and friendly relations with the Council and Bramcote Hill Comprehensive School. Equally important were some intangible features: a common aim and enjoyment of each other’s company. He thanked specifically Geoff for his drive and knowledge, Sheila for taking notes of the meetings, John for his work on the bird boxes, Laurence for his careful handling of the finances, Eric and Mary for distributing the summaries and Norman for taking on the planning of the Monday meetings.

In relation to the path, Groundwork Greater Nottingham had been rather slow in dealing with our application for a grant. BIFFA had been replaced by the Countryside Agency as the funding source offering only 40% of the total cost. Fortunately, the Council was offering to contribute up to £2000 and the Friend’s volunteer hours would also count. Inspection by the contractor was expected soon.

Sheila, as Secretary reported on the Monday meetings. There had been talks on birdlife (John), rose growing in the area (Charles Lowe), the work of the BTCV and a new environmental group at the Comprehensive School, walks, visits to other venues and social gatherings. An excellent display board had been used at the Millennium Exhibition and Stapleford Carnival. The Committee had met three times.

Geoff Fewkes reported on the Work Programme, in which 10-12 members had participated regularly, with 27 participating in the September grass removal. The projects included tree maintenance, litter picking, the pulling up of brambles & rosebay willow herb, bashing of bracken, the removal of grass and the renewal of the short path of Brookside Avenue. (See End of Year Report 2000).

Laurence presented the Treasurer’s report, which showed an income for the year of £179.75 and an expenditure of £48.44, with a balance of £131.31. much of the profit had come from the sale of bird boxes, mainly at the Stapleford Carnival. A bank account had been opened.

Elections. The re-election of the present committee proposed by John Cox, and seconded by Davis Lacklison, was approved.

Subscription. It was agreed that this should remain at £2

Any other business. Honorary membership was conferred on John Beaumont, the landlord of the Rose Grower, for allowing us the use of the pub’s lounge and for his support of the group.

Forthcoming Meetings

  • 4th December – this will be a social gathering, with members bringing food to share. Mary proposed that everyone coming should bring a small wrapped item as a raffle prize. With tickets sold at £1 to raise funds.
  • January – no meeting
  • 5th February – Ron Price from Wollaton Natural History Society will give a slide presentation entitled ‘A Walk with Nature’

Note 1. The AGM marks the start of a new financial year. If you wish to renew your membership and have not yet done so, please put £2 cash in an envelope with your name on it and push it through the letter box of Laurence Cooper’s home or send him a cheque made payable to the ‘Friends of Bramcote Ridge’

Note 2. Copies of the AGM agenda and accounts, and also of the constitution are available from Walter Grauberg

Important reminder. There will be a working session on Sunday 3rd December. The contractor may have started work on the path by then and we may have to spread some of the soil and vegetation dug up. Please bring a spade and work gloves. Contact Geoff or Walter to check whether to bring a wheelbarrow or other equipment.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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