28 members present. Apologies from E. & M.Curtis, I. Clark, L.Cooper, W.Grauberg (arrived later)
Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair - Welcomed Friends to the 1st meeting of the Year and reported:-
Birdwatching Morning - Successful morning with a follow-up in John Appleton's garden.
Wild Flower Planting - As last year, volunteers are needed to grow seeds and participate in the planting around Easter. Young Members especially welcome. Contact John Appleton for seeds, trays etc.
Norman introduced Dr. Sheila Wright, whose specialty at Wollaton Hall is Moths.
Dr.Wright had previously spoken to the Friends about Bats. She gave a very informative, illustrated talk on her work both locally, in Notts and abroad. The variety of moths was extensive in shape, size, form and colour. Many were highly coloured and could be seen during daylight hours. Some were very specific to particular feeding areas, trees or plants. Trappings at Wollaton Hall had recorded 330 types of larger moths, this being a rich diverse area of feeding sites. Included in Notts were many rare varieties above the National average. With a lifespan from egg to adult of approximately 6 months, most adults only live for about a month. Camouflage discouraged predators - hairy bodies, colours, imitation - including at the caterpillar stage. Rare and larger species often travel thousands of miles.
Everyone agreed that moths have a lot to offer and interest in planting and maintaining a site to encourage moths such as the Ridge offers is essential. Dr. Wright answered numerous questions from members and was thanked by Norman for her talk.
Date of Next Meeting Monday 1st March at 7:30pm. Guest Speaker, Chris Tinsley - will give a talk on Trees.
Please continue to support the Friends.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.