19 members present. Apologies from G.Yeomans, G.Ward, A.Evans, A & H. Hollingsworth, P. Leedham.

Norman Clyde-Watson introduced the meeting as the AGM.

Chairman's Report The committee had met 5 times. Walter Grauberg, retiring Chairman, had secured Lottery funding to complete the path round the Ridge. This was duly undertaken & completed. Norman had sent photos & paperwork to Awards For All & received thanks for a successful outcome.

New activities included planting of wild flowers & extension of Work Days to Sat & Sundays. Many young people had participated & have been made 'honorary' members. They have also been involved in making Bird Boxes with John Appleton. Norman thanked John for his involvement with these activities, especially as one aim of the Friends is to encourage young people.

2 Day activities started well, but declined during the summer and is now under review. The Autumn Mow had been most successful & Geoff Fewkes was thanked for all his work & planning.

Broxtowe B.C. continues its support & we look forward to future involvement in the development of the Bramcote Open Spaces Forum.

Meetings would continue to be held at the Rose Grower & our appreciation was shown to Kevin & Angela for their hospitality.

Norman thanked the committee for their support & work.

Monday Meetings

These had gone well, despite the cancellation in February (rearranged for 2004). Subjects covered included - Dragonflies, Conservation Work of The National Trust, Bees, Fungi & Plans for the Ridge.
Average attendance continues around 25-30 members.

Future Meetings

  • December 1st - Annual social get together - see below.
  • January 2004 - No Monday meeting but John Appleton will lead a Bird Watch on Sunday 25th. Meet at top of Sandy Lane 9:30 - 10:30am.
  • February - Sheila Wright will give talk on Moths, her specialty.
  • March - Chryse Tinsley - Tree Warden. Later meetings to be arranged.

Working Days

Geoff Fewkes reported on activities completed which included –

  • Clearance of paths after laying of hard surfaces,
  • Preparation of areas for flower planting,
  • Tree trimming,
  • Clearance of burnt areas & Hay making.

Geoff had been very disappointed at the turnout for the 2 day sessions & for the May walk at Cromford which the 8 Friends who participated had thoroughly enjoyed.

The workgroups are vital to the success of the group as a whole, & the work undertaken is particularly recognised by Broxtowe BC.

Norman recorded thanks to Geoff.

Finance Report

Presented by Eric Curtis - (copy in Minutes Book). Subs had increased to £4.00pa & with donations had given the Friends a balance of £234.00. Depending on outgoings, the subs may be revised next year.

Eric thanked the distribution team of the Newsletters etc. which saved considerable postage costs.

Butterfly Survey 2003

John Appleton reported on the outcome for this year.

  • The survey covered the Alexandrina & Lowes areas & despite severe burning in April which damaged or destroyed eggs & caterpillars, several species were seen in profusion & overall some 20 species were recorded.
  • John briefly noted that the Midland Survey 2001 had noted that the Ridge had seen early & late species on many occasions.
  • The Ridge is an important site for butterflies & he would like to see more Buckthorn trees planted to encourage Brimstones.
  • This is the 3rd year with 2 more years to go. Norman thanked John for his expertise & the group of recorders for their important work in conservation.


To remain at £4.00 pa. Although a surplus is in hand, some will be used to purchase a tree in memory of founder member Bob Smith who died recently. Planting to take place later. Subscriptions are due now & can be left with Eric Curtis. Cash or Cheque for £4.00 (payable to - 'Friends of Bramcote Ridge') in an envelope with your name & address ASAP please or at the December meeting.

Election of the Committee

Maximum of 8 - currently 1 vacancy. The current committee is willing to stand for a further year & no new nominations received. Heather Cox was then nominated by Clare Clyde-Watson & seconded by Sheila Hardy & was elected to join the committee.


Norman thanked...

  • Dave & Margaret Woodward for the excellent presentation of the Newsletter, specifically noted by a member
  • John Appleton for the Bird Box Newsletter
  • Geoff Fewkes for his Website work which has had 5000+ hits so far.
  • Further news from Broxtowe Open Spaces Forum in January 2004.

With no other business the meeting closed at 8:22pm.


This year a Buffet will be provided by The RoseGrower. There will be a charge of £2.00 per person (collected at the door please)


  • As before you are invited to participate in a Xmas Draw.
  • To enter - £1.00 + bring a small wrapped present per person.
  • In addition, a separate raffle will be held of a Framed Photograph of the Ridge with the proceeds going to Notts Wildlife who are celebrating their 40th year.
  • Heather Cox will be holding a Christmas Quiz.
  • We hope to have an enjoyable social evening.
  • Do make an effort to join us please.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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