28 members present. Apologies from I.Cox, D & M Woodward, C Clyde-Watson & C Bridgewater.

Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair - welcomed Friends to the AGM & the 10th Anniversary of the group.

The following Reports were presented - copies are held by the Secretary: -

Matters Arising from AGM 2008

  • Following closure of The Rose Grower, decisions had to be made about future meetings, venue & continuation of the group.
  • Discussion led to proposals that 2/3 meetings a year be held.
  • Unfortunately, the Memorial Hall was not available as required in 2009 but 2010 will be better.
  • Work Groups had shown increasing numbers which was encouraging.

Chairmans Report

  • Committee had met 3 times & Norman had attended several meetings with Broxtowe BC.
  • Mayor of Broxtowe had participated in publicity of the Wild Flower area & the Green Pennant Award.
  • The Green Pennant had been granted after a visit on May 18th (News released on July 22nd).
  • Norman had received messages of congratulations for the award.
  • Suggestions had been made for action in the future - more signs, work on steep inclines, steps uneven, removal of Spanish Bluebells. Work has started on some of these.
  • The Award is for 1 year so there is a need to re-apply for 2010.

Working Groups Report

John Appleton reported on activities

  • The average number on workdays was 13 members with 2/3 members also undertaking some work during other weekdays.
  • The Wild Flower meadow had been very successful but the grass area was a disaster!
  • A seat donated by Broxtowe Borough Council (BBC) & Stan Heptinstal is now sited close to the wild flowers which will be reseeded next year.
  • The Bird Boxes had all been used, cleaned & re-sited.
  • Litter had been picked both locally & in Bramcote Park.
  • Paths & Brambles had been cleared & the Hedgerows weeded & trimmed to encourage side growth.

Treasurer's Report

Eric Curtis circulated the balance sheet for the year. A copy is on file.

  • Two grants were given of £100 from BBC & £250 from Notts County Council.
  • The main expense is the Insurance which was covered by the grants & the Hall charge for meetings is now £13.00.
  • Also, thanks for additional unsolicited donations from Members.
  • There were also gifts & donations to members in hospital & following the death of Iris Clarke to The Lymphoma Trust.
  • Generally, the Group remains in a healthy position financially.

Meetings for 2010

Heather Cox gave details for your new diary of plans for next year.

  • Monday 1st February - speaker will be Barrie Lings - subject 'Peak District National Park'.
  • Monday 10th May - speaker Nigel Slater - subject 'Garden Birds & their Songs'.
  • Monday 1st November - AGM followed by Tim Preston - subject 'Wollaton Hall & Park'.

All the meetings will be held in the Memorial Hall, Bramcote.


  • No nominations had been received.
  • Current members willing to continue at present & were re-elected unopposed.

John Appleton Surveys

  • Over the 10 years since the Group was formed, more than 40 species of Birds had been seen on the Ridge.
  • 12 Bird Boxes are currently sited on the Ridge. This was originally 20 with some stolen or decayed.
  • 6 extra new boxes are planned.
  • John has issued 45 of his newsletters 'BirdBox ' over the years giving members detailed information about habitat & lifestyle of many species.
  • 19 species of Butterfly have been seen over 9 years although 2009 has been a poor year. The new plantings of Hedgerow, wild flowers etc should encourage other species.
  • Reports on the Surveys have been sent to Notts Wildlife & the National Butterfly Survey.

Norman thanked John for his continuing Survey work.


  • The cost of the First-Aid Box was queried but it was felt a decent well equipped one was needed.
  • Could notices be sent by e-mail to those willing to have this facility? To be considered (see later).
  • Hopefully the website will be up & running again in 2010.
  • Subscriptions agreed to remain at £5.00 per member & are payable now. Cheques, made payable to 'Friends of Bramcote Ridge' & passed to the Treasurer, Eric Curtis, before the year end please. Your support is valued & important.
  • Disappointment was expressed at some poor areas of the Ridge due to lack of mowing & poor grass regeneration - to be discussed with BBC who are responsible for the areas concerned.
  • Walter Grauberg proposed a vote of thanks to the Committee & to Norman & John for their work associated with the successful application for the Green Pennant Award.

The meeting continued with a celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Friends of Bramcote Ridge.

Unfortunately, Chris Riley from BBC was unable to attend & sent his apologies.

Walter & Geoff Fewkes, both involved in the initial formation of the group outlined how, in 1998/9, a project undertaken by Geoff was brought before the Community Association & the concept of the group was mooted in April 1999. The first meeting held on June 7th 1999 was attended by 56 residents from a mail-shot of 400 & the 1st AGM was in November 1999.

Achievements during the first 10 years include: -

  • Lottery Award to surface paths.
  • Tree Planting sessions.
  • Steps formed to Thoresby Road.
  • Wild Flower areas created.
  • Bracken & Brambles controlled.
  • New Hedgerow Plantings to encourage wildlife etc.
  • Awarded 'Local Nature Reserve' status.
  • Awarded Green Pennant.

It must continue & new young blood be encouraged to participate.

A Celebration Cake was cut by Walter & Geoff & was followed by a sparkling drink & a chance to look at photographs presented by John of the Ridge & the Group activities.


  • Mike Johnson expressed concern about the development of the Golf Course area & wants to form a group to monitor & protect it from being lost to the area. Interested persons should come to the February meeting for further discussion.
  • Anyone preferring to receive notices/newsletters by e-mail should contact John Appleton who will collate members & take forward.

The meeting closed at 9:00pm.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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