Notes of AGM Meeting held on Monday 2rd November 2015 at 7:30pm at Bramcote Memorial Hall.
16 members present. Apologies from MV Chamberlain, DE Swetnam, M Snow, KS Ravnkilde.
1. Matters Arising from AGM 2014
*Number of paid up Members is good, but 'Working Members' are sometimes thin on the ground. Wearing of our armbands on workdays may help to spread the word!
The following Reports were presented – copies are held by the Secretary:-
2. Chairmans Report
- No major projects this year, with maintenance of LNR a priority.
- In November 2014 the 2nd Bramcote Scout Group had an evening making boxes for insects/woodmice. These have now been erected on the Ridge.
- Heather brash was distributed on the grassland area – Markham Road site.
- For the 7th year, the Ridge was awarded the Green Flag Community Award. No formal judging visit, but thanks to regular visits to clear litter etc. each week, ensured site was tidy. There is no information/feedback re the score achieved this year.
- Wildflower Areas: - Sandy Lane very good, Brookside less so. Consideration of a different type of seed for the coming year.
- BBC still supportive of the work that FoBR do. Path repair and repair of Devil's Steps arranged in conjunction with Nottingham CC. Thanks recorded to all the BBC team, Committee members, Sandra Appleton for her IT assistance, to Geoff Fewkes for his continued support/ remote help, Enid Swetnam for organising the Summer Walks and finally to John for all his help/ enthusiasm on the Ridge and for meetings attended on behalf of the Friends.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Eric Curtis circulated the balance sheet for the year. A copy is on file. He thanked N. Cooper who audited the accounts but is retiring at Xmas. He accepted no fee except a bottle of wine! Member's subscriptions (48) covered most of the expenses. Donations had been received for John's garden work and a visitor who admired the Wildflower areas. Members agreed that this was a true account.
Reminder– Membership Subscription to remain at £5.00 per member – now due (Nov 1st). Cheques, made payable to ‘Friends of Bramcote Ridge’ and passed to the Treasurer, Eric Curtis before the year end please.
4. Working Groups Report
John Appleton reported a drop in numbers helping at the Sunday sessions, but had received an additional 84 hours of work given by some members in relation to IT and physical work, eg. Cleaning bird boxes etc.
Workdays included pathway clearing, overhanging branches trimmed, bramble clearing/thinning, removal of fallen trees, clearing of the Bridle Way and damaged Thoresby Road steps replaced. The Wildflower areas were seeded and other plants/whips/etc. were planted at various sites. Litter picking continued throughout the year and it was noted that graffiti is becoming a problem. If you become aware of any please contact Broxtowe BC.
Thanks to all who have helped in any way – a lot of positive comments were received - both via the website and from non-members.
5. Bird & Butterfly Surveys
John Appleton reported on the 17th year of recording Birds and the 15th year for Butterflies. The Bird Box Newsletter, issued quarterly, is now up to 73 issues - started 2001!
47 species of Birds recorded but no new species this year. Numbers were up for GS Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Jay, Longtailed Tit, Blue and Great Tit and Chaffinch. Numbers were down for Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Siskin and Collared Dove. The Buzzard is still being seen over the Ridge along with the Tawny Owl and Pheasants.
19 species of Butterflies recorded with numbers of Peacocks and Holly Blue up but Speckled Woods numbers down. 14 species were seen on the Grassland area.
John thanked those who spent time undertaking these recordings.
6. Committee
All 7 current Committee Members are willing to continue at present and as no other Nominations were received, were re-elected unopposed.
7. AOB
- Change to Constitution – a notice was circulated - “ that the Committee will meet at least 3 times a year and minutes taken”, be amended to “that the Committee will meet at least twice a year with minutes being taken”. No objections were received and change was passed. Proposed by Alan Evans and Seconded by Jane Hardman. In future any proposed changes will be included on the Agenda and not in AOB.
- Sheila thanked Members for the beautiful bouquet of flowers received after her operation.
- Alan proposed a Vote of Thanks to the Committee on behalf of Members.
- Concern was expressed by Barbara Dexter re the dumping of garden rubbish on the Ridge. It was suggested that Broxtowe BC might help in circulating houses in the locality re Council policy.
Date of next AGM will be Monday 7th November 2016.
The AGM meeting closed at 8:30pm with coffee and biscuits.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.