Blog and News

Only six members attended today's session, but with at least six of our regulars either on holiday or incapacitated a lower than usual turnout was expected.

Today we concentrated on the Alexandrina Plantation reserve and completed the following:

  • Cleared the area of litter.
  • Cleared brambles...

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Despite six of our regulars being either on holiday or ill, and it being a very cold morning, we still had a very respectable turnout of 8 members.

The three jobs we tackled were:

  • the usual litter pick across both sites (quite a lot was collected),
  • clearing couch grass and bracken from the...

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A sunny and frosty morning saw an excellent turnout of 16 members (including two new ones).

Traditionally this first session of the new year has been used for a major litter pick when we delve in to all the minor paths and check out areas where larger items have been dumped in the past. This year...

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There was a good turnout of 12 members today and the following jobs were completed :

The barbed wire attached to the fence running alongside this path was removed on safety grounds as the private owner of this fence has ignored requests to deal with this.

Two dead trees which were...

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After a very rainy start to the day, the sun was shining by the time we began and so the 10 members who attended this session made the best of what turned out to be a perfect autumn morning.

Today's main task was to install the final two "Welcome to your Local Nature Reserve" signs. All four...

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A perfect dry and sunny early autumn morning saw 10 members attending this session and undertaking the following...

  • Three members cleared undergrowth from the short path adjacent to the widlfower area, near the entrance at the top of Sandy Lane. After clearing the unwanted vegetation, wood chi...

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