Blog & News

We had 12 members this morning which was fortunate as a big job was planned.

Eight of the group set about clearing the Russian Vine that originated from a neighbouring house on Cranston Road. By sheer coincidence the people who were just moving in to this house had cleared the vine from their sid...

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We had 9 members turning out on what was a perfect sunny day.

Apart from the usual litter collection on both reserves all the work today was concentrated on the Alexandrina Plantation reserve. With the combination of plenty of rain and warm weather there had been a real spurt in the growth of ever...

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We had 8 members this morning which was a bit less than normal but perhaps because it was a bank holiday weekend and the weather was really pleasant.

All the work was concentrated on the Markham Road site when the following jobs were completed

  • The primroses and cowslips that were planted quit...

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On a very windy but dry morning we had 9 members attending.

Apart from the removal of the dead branches in the tree avenue opposite the grassland area on the Markham Road site all the work was carried out on Alexandrina Plantation reserve.

  • Mud and compacted leaves were cleared from the worst...

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We had 11 volunteers this morning and fortunately the weather was ideal for working.

The Council had given us a selection of silver birch and elder and someone from Canopy 2050 had supplied a lot of hawthorn and a few yew all of which looked really strong and healthy.

  • The area alongside the h...

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We had a good turnout of 12 members and the following jobs were completed:

  • All the repaired and new bird boxes (14 in total) were erected split between the two reserves.

  • The wildflower triangle near the entrance to the Alexandrina Plantation reserve was scarified and a long meadow seed mix...

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In a change from the norm, this session was devoted to delivering promotional leaflets for the Friends to local residences and litter picking the streets whilst doping so.


Thirteen members attending this session and Broxtowe Council had supplied plenty of litter pickers, refuse bags and hi-vis...

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Due to the snow we had to cancel this morning's work session on Bramcote Ridge.

Nevertheless, some site users did manage to make the most of the weather conditions. 2023-12 So, it just remains to wish all our members, supporters and partners a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We'll be back in Ja...

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Even though we had a sunny morning only 6 volunteers attended this morning’s session.

The jobs completed were:

  • The bird boxes were cleaned out although 5 were taken away for repair.

  • Eight beech saplings were planted in the gaps in the hedgerow.
  • Much of the overgrown vegetation alongsid...

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We had seven members turning up for this morning’s session and considering three of our regulars were unable to attend today this was a reasonable number.

  • Following the really heavy rain and thunderstorm we had over this past week, the priority was to clear the bridle path of the amount of soil...

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