Blog and News

Another good turnout of 13 members this morning.

  • The wildflower area alongside Thoresby Rd was surrounded by mugwort, so two of us spent the session removing all of these and bagging it up so it could be removed from the reserve. Hopefully we have managed to remove it before it had set seed but...

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A fine and warm morning saw 18 members attending, which again was another excellent turnout.

  • Today’s work was concentrated on clearing the smaller paths on Alexandrina Plantation as well as cutting back overhanging vegetation alongside the main paths and the bridle way. 2022-06a
  • Four of the group tac...

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Probably because of the bank holiday weekend we had only 10 volunteers coming this morning.

  • We did clear the bridle path and as well as soil that had been washed down being removed the whole path was cleared to its full width and it had a really thorough sweep. DSCN8523
  • Two of the group went round all...

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There were 14 members attending this morning’s session with the weather fine and some sunny periods.

  • Once again the group concentrated on clearing many of the minor paths that were not tackled last month. 2022-07a
  • In addition quite a lot of clearance of the two alcoves near the beginning of the Markha...

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We had another good turnout of 16 volunteers and once again we were fortunate with the weather.

Today’s jobs completed were as follows:

  • The rest of the plug plants (about 250) were planted in the the areas designated for perennial wildflowers on both reserves. 2022-04b
  • An alcove alongside the circu...

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We had an amazing turnout of 16 members this morning and 6 children with them. Fortunately the weather was kind to us again so we were able to complete most of the planting.

  • Some of the plug plants were still very small so it was agreed to leave these for another month to establish themselves....

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