Blog & News

On a dry and bright morning we had an excellent turnout of 15 members, who were also joined by 3 people from the Practical Conservation Volunteers as well as Chris Riley from Broxtowe Borough Council and the Mayor of Broxtowe.

This session was devoted to the planting of twenty hazel trees and...

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A dry day with brief sunshine and 11 members attending.

We also had two people from Practical Conservation Volunteers who were to clear the bank of broom alongside the path at the viewpoint, so, to make sure this was completed two of our members joined them. Three of us carried on with clearing...

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On what turned to be a dry and sunny morning, despite an unfavourable forecast all week, we had a great turnout of 15 members.

  • Three members of the Conservation Volunteers also came to clear the substantial amount of bramble and bracken that had grown alongside the hedge adjacent to the grass...

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Despite a confident forecast of heavy rain throughout Sunday morning and then moderate rain in the afternoon by the time we were ready to start work the sun was out and stayed out all morning!

We knew five of our regulars would we unable to come and perhaps the forecast put off others so we only h...

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On a perfect sunny and not-to-warm morning we had 10 members attend, and considering this was one of the last weekends of the holiday period it was quite a reasonable number.

The jobs completed were as follows :

  • The six new posters for our Green Flag Community Award for 2019/2020 were put up...

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A fine morning and a good turnout of 14 members. The jobs completed today were :

  • The cutting down and removal of a large branch that had been hit by lightning just over a week ago and was partly covering the main path on the Markham Road site.
  • One of the legs on an oak bench installed sever...

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After being told by six of of our regulars that for a variety reasons they were unable to attend today's session I was quite surprised that we managed to get nine members attending. It was a sunny morning and with little breeze and also quite warm.

  • Many paths were now getting overgrown and even...

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After several humid days this morning was much fresher with just a few bits of very light rain. We expected today's turnout to be low as several people had already confirmed they would be missing for one reason or another and this is what happened with only 8 volunteers coming. We still managed to...

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We had 11 members turnout out this morning on a dry cloudy morning. The numbers were less than recent sessions but as often happens on a bank holiday weekend several regulars were away on holiday.

Today we concentrated on getting the two wildflower areas ready for new seed to be sown.

  • The ar...

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A dry cloudy morning and eleven members were present. The jobs completed were:

  • An Ivy clad Hawthorn that had collapsed onto the bridleway earlier this week was cut down and moved away from the path. Part of the tree was still alive so it will hopefully regrow to fill in the gap. Two other trees...

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