Blog & News

Despite the perfect morning for working we only had 5 volunteers attending.

We installed the six new Green Flag Community Award notices for 2023/2024 and cleared some overhanging branches on the main paths.

Two of the group cleared the broom that was encroaching onto the heathers that a...

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After a day of non stop rain on Saturday we were relieved to have a bright morning for today’s session.

  • We had 10 members attending and two of us spent most of the time removing the Green Flag Community Award notices for 2022/23 ready for replacing with the 2023/24 notices.
  • They also cleared...

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On a pleasant morning we had 6 members attending this morning's session.

  • We concentrated on paths etc on Alexandrina Plantation and the main two we cleared were one leading down the steps just after “Walter’s seat” which had been severely overgrown mainly with broom but also some gorse. 2023-07b
  • Whils...

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We had a reasonable attendance of nine members on a sunny and warm Sunday morning.

Now that things are growing rapidly the work today was centered on pruning and cutting back overgrown paths. In particular we cleared a well used path that leads off the main circular path on Alexandrina Plantation...

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On 10th May, representatives of the group attended a certificate awarding ceremony by the outgoing Mayor of Broxtowe, Councillor David Grindell, on behalf of the Friends of Bramcote Ridge.

The certificate is awarded in recognition of The Friends' conservation work and assistance to the council in...

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We had 9 volunteers this morning on what turned out to be a warm and sunny day.

The large overhanging laurel hedge at the bottom end of the bridle path that leads to Brookside Ave was cut back.

Some of the group concentrated on the Markham Rd reserve and here the rapidly growing bracken etc alo...

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Because of unforeseen circumstances, the regular email reminding members of the working session and jobs to be undertaken was not sent out. This, combined with the start of the school holidays, could have meant some of our regulars were on holiday resulted in a record low attendance of only three pe...

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We had 11 volunteers attend this morning and the jobs completed were as follows:

  • The wildflower area alongside Thoresby Rd was cleared of last summer’s plants, then forked over and finally raked ready for new seed to be sown in either late April or the first week of May. 2023-03b
  • Bramble and broom wer...

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On a perfect sunny winter morning we had 7 volunteers at today’s working session.

  • We removed the final two bird boxes from the Alexandrina Plantation reserve so work can now begin on repairing these boxes ready for erecting in the autumn.

  • The bridle path was again swept clean.
  • The final...

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We had 12 volunteers for this morning’ session.

Apart from undertaking the usual litter collection on both the reserves, the rest of the group concentrated on clearing all the dead bracken, bramble 2023-01b and other vegetation from alongside the hedge on the Markham Rd reserve. 2023-01a This will allow the lig...

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