Blog & News

This work session fell on another bank holiday weekend, but this time we had a very reasonable turnout of ten members on a beautiful spring day with not a cloud in the sky.

The ridge at the moment is looking really good with bluebells, wild garlic and cowslips in flower and very little litter aro...

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With today's work session falling on Easter Sunday, the turnout was understandably low with just 4 hardy souls attending. Nevertheless we still managed to get all the priority jobs accomplished. These were:

Splitting up the snowdrops to cover a larger area at the Alexandrina Plantation entrance.


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Due to heavy snow today's work session was regettably cancelled, but here's a couple of photos.....

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • t...

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Luckily after a very wet week today was dry and also quite sunny. The cold weather didn't seem to put anyone off and we had 13 members attending.

Two of us installed an additional step near the viewpoint where soil erosion had meant that the first step had become quite steep and we also did a bit...

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Today was the first dry day of the week (and 2018) and on a sunny but cold morning we had a good turnout of 12 members which included another new member.

Usually in January we have always used this session for the big litter pick and the Council have collected the rubbish the following day. Havin...

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We had another excellent turnout with 16 volunteers attending this morning's session.

Most of the group concentrated on clearing the bridle path now that most of the leaves are off the trees. The leaves are swept into piles and then moved onto large tarpaulin sheets before being transferred into...

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A perfect autumn morning saw our best turnout of the year with 18 people coming along, including one young person undertaking his Duke of Edinburgh bronze award accompanied by his mother.

Today had been set aside for the planting of 1700 crocus corms, some of which had been given to us by Woll...

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A very damp October morning saw seven hardy folks attending today's work session.

  • Three days ago some very antisocial person (or persons) had a fire on the edge of the football pitch and burnt a lot of metal cans, a couple of metal rods and then poured purple paint over the lot. It took one memb...

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Despite at least 4 of our regulars being away on holiday, we still had a respectable turnout of 9 members for today's session.

  • As it has been several months since the bridleway was attended to, five of us spent the session clearing away all the soil that had washed down from the hills along with...

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A sunny morning saw 11 volunteers attend, which was an excellent turnout considering that several regulars were away on holiday .

Apart from the usual two people who carry out the litter pick on both reserves, the priority for the rest of the group was cutting back vegetation on many of the lesser...

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