32 members present. Apologies Michael & Vivian Chamberlain.

Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed all to the meeting and expressed thanks to all members who had helped with the grass mowing which had gone well.

  • A new Worksheet will be with members shortly.
  • Funding is being sought for further hedging.
  • Broxtowe BC is donating 20 trees for planting near the new Play Area.
  • It has also offered to rotovate the area for the new hedge prior to the planting in the New Year.
  • Broxtowe BC has agreed to dismantle the 'Den' which has been created within woodland on the Ridge as it is a possible fire risk.
  • In January, Broxtowe BC is having a Neighbourhood Pride project in the area and will include information about the Friends' Litter Pick in their flyer distributed to households.

Norman then introduced David Goddard who gave a beautifully illustrated talk on the wildlife he photographed on a recent trip to Scotland. Of particular interest was the insect, animal and plant-life encountered in wetlands and peat-bogs in the Inverness area.

The next Meeting on 7th November will be the AGM.

  • Nominations are invited for the Committee which should be submitted in writing to Sheila Hardy, no later than Monday 31st October. Proposer and Seconder should be current members of the Friends.
  • All current members of the Committee are willing to stand for re-election.
  • The Committee has recommended that the Subscription should remain at £4.00 which will be payable at the AGM.
  • John Appleton will give a presentation, after the AGM matters, on how to attract birds to your garden.

The December meeting on Monday 5th will be the Xmas Social Party. More details in the next Newsletter.

The meeting ended at 8:45pm.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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