31 members present with Apologies from P Anderson.
Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair - welcomed Friends and gave his report:
Chairman's Report - (Copy on file)
- Norman reported that meetings and activities had been well supported.
- Following the loss of Geoff Fewkes, the work involved in organising work days, web site etc. had been taken on by other Committee members. Full details of these have been circulated in notes over the year.
- We are still awaiting final confirmation of Local Nature Reserve status.
- Norman thanked Kevin for his continuing support with use of The Rose Grower and other Committee members and helpers for distribution of notes and letters etc.
Treasurer's Report - (Copy on file)
- Eric Curtis circulated audited accounts.
- The group is now responsible for its own insurance cover which had been obtained at a cost of £155 for the year. This has reduced the balance significantly.
- Discussion later on subscription fees.
Project and Work Report - (Copy on File)
- There had been a good response over the last year.
- New projects, hedge planting, litter picking and tree planting were notified on last Project Sheet.
- Continued liaison with Broxtowe BC has helped with the work.
Wildlife Studies Report
- John Appleton reported a successful outcome to the Wildflower planting and hopefully most had seeded.
- Butterflies had been in short supply for some species.
- Birds seen on the Ridge included a nuthatch and numbers of others had been constant.
- We now have a 5 year record of information which will act as a baseline for setting and identifying trends in future years.
- The accuracy and detail of the records had been commended in the Nature Reserve status of the Ridge.
- Butterfly boards had been installed by the local council in areas where grassland management encouraged butterflies and wildlife.
- John thanked others involved in recording of the information.
Meetings Report
- Heather Cox reported a varied programme of meetings and speakers, walks and visits to Attenborough and a Ruddington Garden.
- The programme for the coming year is well under way.
- Norman thanked Heather for her hard work in a difficult year.
- Currently £4.00 a year, the Friends could manage, but with the cost of the Insurance meant an increase was anticipated in the future.
- The meeting proposed that subscriptions be increased to £5.00 this year and a vote was carried.
- It was noted that a donation for the use of the room was low compared with hire charges and this should perhaps be increased.
Election of Officers
- All current officers were prepared to stand for re-election.
- No other nominations had been received and the meeting agreed to continue as elected.
- Paul Anderson had raised the state of the pathway to the children's play area. Norman agreed to contact BBC/ Chris Riley to ask for action.
- Walter Grauberg proposed a vote of thanks on behalf of the meeting to the Committee for its' work on behalf of the Friends.
- Celia asked if Robin Hood Way signs could be reinstated along the Ridge. BBC to be contacted.
- John Appleton then drew attention to photographs taken by Junior members and asked for those present to vote for 2 favourites. Winners to be announced at the Xmas meeting.
- He then gave an informative talk and distributed leaflets about feeding and caring for birds in the garden.
The Meeting closed at 8:45pm.
Advance Notice regarding Monday 5th December Meeting
- There will be no speaker for the Social Evening.
- Please bring, if able, a small donation of food to be shared - The choice is yours.
- In addition, Mary will arrange the Raffle - £1.00 per member (to Ridge Funds) - you are asked to bring along a small unmarked gift-wrapped item - value approx £1 for participation in this event.
- The winner of the Photo Competition will also be announced.
We hope this will again be an enjoyable evening for all.
There will be no meeting in January and the next meeting on Monday February 6th will have Bill Wheatley speaking on the Wildlife of Cyprus.
Work Dates for Diary -
- Sunday 27th November 10:30am - Hedgerow Planting - Site preparation
- Sunday 11th December 10:30am - Tree planting
- Sunday 15th January 10:30am - Litter Pick (Lowes Nursery Estate)
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.