22 members present.
Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed all to the meeting including Geoff Fewkes, who was visiting, and gave Notices as follows:-
- He re-capped issues from previous Newsletters .
- Unfortunately, Bramcote Park had not been awarded a Green Flag this year.
- The Hedgerow planted earlier this year is doing well with over 95% of the plants thriving and plans are in hand to create another hedgerow if funds can be obtained. This will probably be planted in front of other new fencing to both disguise it and protect it.
- The Ridge has now been recognised as a Local Nature Reserve.
- All activities had been well supported over the Summer.
Please note: Next Workday is Saturday 24th September - Grass collection from annual mowing. This will start at 10:30 and you will need gloves and rakes.
We would like to see as many members/ friends as possible to help please as this is our main activity of the year and is funded mainly by Broxtowe Borough Council. If the weather is not good on the Saturday, 10:30 on Sunday 25th September is the alternative date.
Norman then introduced Lianne Evans who is the Biodiversity Officer for Notts C.C.
Lianne described how the variety of life on Earth, some 13 million species, interacted to balance and protect the ecosystem. Loss and destruction of environment such as heathland and peatbogs could have greater effects on flora, fauna and hence on pollination, decomposition, pest control which in turn might reduce availability of food and drugs. 50 organisations were currently working towards National Targets in Notts to promote protection of the environment and ecosystems by supporting local groups and funding projects. Our own Group was commended for its own initiatives in planting of nectar rich flowers, hedgerows etc.
Lianne distributed leaflets giving information of the Notts Biodiversity Action Group (BAG) and encouraged members to continue any good practices and voluntary work possible. eg. Not using Slug Pellets, creating Wildlife Ponds, and using Peat alternatives.
Norman thanked Lianne for her talk
Next Meetings - Dates for you Diary
- Monday October 3rd - David Goddard will speak on the Wildlife of Scotland.
- Monday November 7th - AGM and a talk from John Appleton on Birds.
- Monday December 5th - Christmas Party (as per 2004) January - No Meeting.
The meeting ended at 8:30pm
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.