33 members present. Apologies from Alan Evans, Iris Clark, Mary Hodges.
Norman Clyde-Watson gave Notices as follows: -
- 4 specimen Silver Birch trees have now been planted on the lower triangle of land on the Ridge. Thanks to helpers for this and also to those who removed the dead wood from the "window cutting" done by Broxtowe BC. This wood will be shredded and returned to the Ridge for use as mulching. Help will be needed to spread this at a later date.
- Rubbish left by Contractors at the top of the steps, has now been removed by them. This area could be a site for future hedgerow planting.
- A meeting with English Nature on site had impressed them and resulted in a recommendation for the Ridge to be designated as a Local Nature Reserve which would give protection and also help in maintaining the site.
- Project Newsletters and the Website will be maintained by John Appleton and Dave Woodward respectively following the departure of Geoff Fewkes.
Norman then introduced Bill Wheatley of the Beeston Wildlife Group, who gave an excellent illustrated talk on the wildlife, flora and habitats of the Attenborough Nature Reserve.
- Formerly gravel pits, extraction continued, but the resulting ponds now attract resident and migrant wildlife including Bitterns, Water Rail, Owls and many others.
- Trees and planting also attract birds (which are ringed on occasions), butterflies & dragonflies and Terns have their own nesting platform.
- The reserve now boasts a new £8.5rnillion Visitor Centre, opened recently by Sir David Attenborough, which provides information, children's centre with activities and excellent light refreshments.
- A leaflet about the reserve was available showing facilities and activities, walks, etc.
- Guided walks are offered on a regular basis and a visit is thoroughly recommended.
Norman thanked Bill for his excellent and informative talk.
The meeting ended at 8:45pm
Next Meeting
Monday 9th May, 7:30pm - Guest Speaker, Mike Davey, will be speaking about 'The Suburban Garden'.
Also look out for dates of the next Project Work, Walks and Talks.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.