20 members present. Apologies from Norman Clyde-Watson, Sheila Hardy, Iris Clark, Barbara & Rod Dexter.

Clare Clyde-Watson in Chair (co-opted for the evening) welcomed Friends to the 1st meeting of the Year and reported :-

  • Thanks to the Friends who attended the litter collection on Jan. 23rd. Encouraging to find the Ridge cleaner on the whole than in previous years.
  • Thank you to John Appleton (and Sandra) for leading the Bird Watch on Jan 30th. It was a beautiful winter morning stroll and John commented on the varieties noted. All enjoyed the coffee!
  • Confirmation of the Tree order from Tim Crawford of Broxtowe BC.
  • A reminder that the Hedgerow planting will be on Sunday 20th Feb at 10:30 am.
  • Clare announced the sad news of the death of Harold Hollingsworth after a long illness. A donation was made on behalf of the Friends to the Tsunami Appeal.

Clare then introduced Mike Owen who gave an illustrated talk on Underwater Photography.

This proved to be a very informative talk and involved slides of some local residents including Tom Deighton, a member of the Friends. It covered many aspects such as Training, the Equipment required and the Photographic Skills and Techniques used underwater.

Mike explained some of the difficulties in Underwater Photography such as weight of camera and the significance of there being no red light beneath the water surface.

There were numerous fine illustrations of fish, corals, vertical reef faces and various locations, which included Stoney Cove in Leicestershire, the Caribbean and the Maldives.

Clare, on behalf of the members, thanked Mike for an excellent talk.

Dates for your Diary

Sunday 20th February, 10:3am - Hedgerow Planting. Spade and Gloves required

Monday 7th March, 7:30pm - Guest Speaker, our very own Wendy Leedham will give a talk on "Creating a Garden for Chelsea". This will include Planning, Planting and Building of the Garden she was involved with last year.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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