Notes of AGM Meeting held on Monday 7th November 2016 at 7:30pm at Bramcote Memorial Hall.

18 members present. Apologies from D. & M. Woodward, A. Evans, C. Metcalf, K. & S. Ravnkilde, C Bridgwater. Norman Clyde-Watson was in the Chair.

1.Matters Arising from AGM 2015

  • AOB: Change of Constitution. It was agreed that any change of Constitution will be included in the Agenda and not under AOB.
  • Rubbish Dumping: Circular notices to residents in the area were deemed as too expensive. Any significant change should be directed to Broxtowe BC.

The following Reports were presented:-

2. Chairman's Report

A copy of the full report is held by the secretary, Sheila Hardy.

  • Another distribution of Heather Brash had been undertaken.
  • All Bird Boxes had been cleaned and they had all been used.
  • The Newsletter had been successful and well received.
  • For the 8th year, the Ridge was awarded the Green Flag Community Award but the feedback had been rather critical of FoBR and the Council. Norman was disappointed.
  • Future funding would be needed for improvements.
  • The report ended with Norman thanking Chris Riley and Tim Crawford of BBC, Committee Members, Sandra Appleton, Geoff Fewkes and Enid Swetnam for their time, help and support.

3. Treasurer’s Report

Eric Curtis circulated copies to members present. (Copy with Sheila Hardy).

  • Currently 49 Members including 2 Hon Members producing £235 and donations of £120 had been received for John's garden work and £5.00 from Celia Clayton.
  • Total balance was £815, £50 more than last year.
  • It was hoped that BBC would continue to pay the Insurance for the Group.
  • Members agreed that this was a true account, with thanks to Eric and the Auditor.

Reminder – Membership Subscription to remain at £5.00 per member – now due (Nov 1st). Cheques, made payable to ‘Friends of Bramcote Ridge’ and passed to the Treasurer, Eric Curtis before the year end please.


4. Working Sessions Report

John Appleton reported (copy on file).

  • An average of 12 members attended monthly sessions with approx 40% of membership involved over the year.
  • Summary of jobs undertaken on Workdays included pathway clearing, planting of Wildflower Areas (including use of new Seed Mix), path repair and removal of unwanted seedlings. Litter picking continued throughout the year. The area below the rock was cleared of shrubs and trees. A number of dead Gorse bushes were removed.
  • 11 new Bird Boxes replaced old ones – mainly for great and blue tits. Thanks to all who have helped in any way.

5. Bird & Butterfly Surveys

  • 46 species of Birds recorded as landed on the Ridge but no new species this year.
  • A poor year for Butterflies recorded with numbers down. 19 species recorded including Painted Ladies.

John thanked those who spent time undertaking these recordings.

6. Committee

All 7 current Committee Members are willing to continue at present and as no other Nominations were received, were re-elected unopposed.

7. AOB

  • Tree Stumps – these were regarded as a hazard, especially when covered by leaves. Liability for actioning was uncertain.
  • A member reported motorcycle activity on the Ridge and that the rider had left when asked to do so. Best action – Try to obtain Registration Numbers and report to the Community Police. Only approach if safe to do so.
  • Bracken Removal – was desirable but previous action had been very intensive and had stopped. Bashing is still effective!

The AGM meeting closed at 8:15pm followed by refreshments.

Norman then introduced Charles Langtree, a new Member the Group felt very fortunate to have. Charles had worked on many projects for the Wildlife Trust and is now employed by the Land Trust as the Regional Estates Manager for the East Midlands. Charles gave an excellent talk about the Management Plan he had produced for the 2 sites. The talk was illustrated to show how the area has and would change if not managed in order to maintain the right environment for both fauna and flora to survive and thrive. Questions followed and Charles was thanked on behalf of the Group.

The meeting ended at 9:30pm.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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