Notes of AGM Meeting held on Monday 5th November 2012 at Bramcote Memorial Hall
24 members present. Apologies from A.Evans, M.Curtis, B. Dexter.
Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair welcomed all to the meeting.
1. Matters Arising from AGM 2011
Membership – Few new members, especially younger persons had joined the Group.
- Those being part of Working Groups are required to be members for Insurance cover purposes. Current membership of 58 continues but there could be a problem in the future as members retire. The Friends of Toton Fields Group is currently having problems in this area despite having a good start.
Summer Walks – Following a questionnaire, two walks were organised by Enid Swetman but not well supported. Enid is willing to try again in summer 2013.
The following Reports were presented – copies are held by the Secretary:-
2. Chairman's Report
During our 13th Year there were 3 Committee Meetings, 2 Members Meetings and the AGM.
The Green Flag Community Award had been rejudged on 14th May with some searching questions asked but there was a good outcome with it being awarded again for the 4th consecutive year.
Reservations noted – Use of plants – care needed with choices. Better Signposting at the entrances to the Ridge would be helpful. Consultation on any major changes with the local population could give a stronger feeling of involvement in the area.
The Green Flag judges noted that the Friends relationship with BBC was very good.
Jubilee – Involvement with the Local Residents Group comprised of showing the extent of the Friends activities, help with burying a Time Capsule and the Beacon lit in the evening.
Walk and Talk – John and Norman participated in Broxtowe BC’s ‘Walking Festival’ taking 25 people round the Ridge including Walter’s Bench. This was also repeated later in the year with 25 Members of the local ‘Rotary’ Group who were impressed as many were unaware of the area. A donation was made to the Group to help with our activities.
These events are also useful in showing the judges of the Green Flag award of our involvement with the local community which is one of the criteria assessed.
Norman and John have both continued to represent the Friends in local meetings and Norman thanked Broxtowe BC & in particular Chris Riley, Tim Crawford & Steve Fisher for their continued support & encouragement.
Future Plans – Hedgelaying and creation of Heathland area is likely to obtain funding in 2013 and whilst some concern has been expressed, this was generally welcomed as an improvement to be undertaken professionally and restore the area to it’s natural format.
3. Working Groups Report
John Appleton reported on activities –
Monthly Workdays throughout the year had an average of 12 members, but the weather had prevented some work. Ivy Wood is regenerating with more light now getting down to ground level but more work still to be undertaken. The Wildflower areas were good. A number of steps have been installed to make some access easier. Litter was removed regularly and the Bird Boxes were cleaned and resited – all had been used. Some graffiti (yellow arrows) has been removed and the amount of Broom reduced in the Flower area.
Thanks to all involved for their continued support.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Eric Curtis circulated the balance sheet for the year. A copy is on file.
He reported a good year overall. Some donations had been received. Expenses included purchase of equipment for Workgroups, seeds and other materials for steps etc and the hire of Hall for meetings.
There were no queries – some wine given to Auditor in lieu of fee!
Note – Membership Subscription to remain at £5.00 per member – now due (Nov 1st). Cheques, made payable to ‘Friends of Bramcote Ridge’ & passed to the Treasurer, Eric Curtis please before the year end. YOUR SUPPORT IS VALUED & IMPORTANT.
5. Meetings
In 2012 – Guest Speaker Nigel Slater had talked about ‘Migration’ at the February meeting.
- Guest Speaker Graham Piearce had spoken about the ‘Trees of Wollaton and the Area’.
For 2013 - 3 dates booked for next year.
- Monday 4th February – speaker will be Peter Hillier who will talk about ‘The Sunken Church, Bramcote’
- Monday 3rd June – speaker will be Steve Dance from the Planning Dept of Broxtowe BC..
- Monday 4th November – AGM
All the meetings will be held in the Memorial Hall, Bramcote at 7:30pm.
6. Butterfly & Bird Surveys
John Appleton reported on the 12th year of recording Butterflies with the poor weather reducing both the numbers and amount of species – (17 species this year and 20 previously.
For Birds, this was the 14th year of recording and Issue 60 of ‘BirdBox’ will be distributed in November.
Goldfinches were ‘aplenty’ this year and the Garden Warbler was again seen. Mallards and Buzzards both landed this year bringing the number of different species seen on the Ridge to 50!
John thanked all involved in the recording including Jane, Sheila and Norman.
All results are collated & sent to the appropriate National Bodies.
7. Committee
All current Committee Members are willing to continue at present & as no other Nominations were received, were re-elected unopposed.
- Green Flag application for 2013 is now being prepared – Norman expressed his Thanks to John and Sandra for their help with this.
- Norman thanked the Committee for their support and to the Friends as a whole.
- A Vote of Thanks was proposed by Paul to Norman and the Committee for their work on behalf of the Friends.
Refreshments of Tea, Coffee & Biscuits were then enjoyed and the meeting concluded with a Photo Quiz of the local area. A small prize was awarded. – Thanks to John & Sandra Appleton for this.
The meeting closed at 9:00pm.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.