31 members present with no apologies.
Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair - welcomed Friends and gave his report:
Chairman's Report - (Copy on file)
- Norman reported that Maureen Snow had been co-opted to the Committee.
- He then gave details of a busy and active year including the granting of the Green Flag for Bramcote Park and Local Nature Reserve status for Alexandrina Plantation indicating recognition of the work by Members and Broxtowe BC.
Norman concluded his report by thanking
John for his hard work planning Work Sessions,
Sheila for recording meetings,
David and Margaret for Newsletters,
Eric for managing financial aspects and
Heather for the interesting Speakers.
Norman expressed his personal thanks to Tim Crawford, Steve Fisher and Chris Riley at Broxtowe BC for their support and advice.
The Friends continues to be a very active and well supported group.
Finally thanks to Kevin and Staff at The Rose Grower for allowing the Friends to meet now and into 2007.
Project and Work Report - (Copy on File)
John Appleton reported that work sessions had generally been well supported.
- Additional hedgerow and trees had been planted although not all had survived the hot weather and fires.
- Litter had been cleared and paths restored by clearance of brambles, overgrown bushes and grass.
- The Wildflower sowing of seeds was not as successful as plants in part due to the adverse conditions.
- The mowing and collection of the grass by Broxtowe BC had been successful.
- Average attendance on each of the workdays was 13 members.
Butterfly Report
John gave his report for the year's Butterfly recording.
- The earliest had been recorded in April - the Speckled Wood had been most seen and Peacock and Tortoiseshell numbers were down on previous years - Ringlets were particularly high in July when 19 species were seen in total.
- The report would go to the BCT in Dorset and Notts Wildlife Trust.
- John thanked John Cox and Sheila for their help with the recording.
Meetings Report
Heather Cox gave a summary of speakers and subjects related to natural history.
- Attendance had been good with 25-30 at each meeting - (details with Sheila).
- A full programme for the coming year is already planned.
Treasurer' s Report - (Copy on file)
- Eric Curtis circulated the balance sheet for the year.
- The cost of insurance cover was anticipated to remain the same for next year.
- A subscription of £5.00 per member would remain for 2007.
- There were no questions.
Walter Grauberg thanked the Committee and especially Norman for their hard work in ensuring that the Friends flourished.
Election of Officers
- All current officers were prepared to stand for re-election.
- No other nominations had been received and the meeting agreed to continue as elected
After the formalities of the AGM, John Appleton then presented a Slide Show of Iceland and Switzerland taken on trips in the 1980's showing contrasting features and flora of the two countries.
The Meeting closed at 8:45pm.
Advance Notice regarding Monday 4th December Meeting
- This will be the Xmas Party evening.
- As before we will have a Social Meeting with food donated by Members.
- Please bring along your favourite dish!
- In addition, a Bran-Tub Raffle will again be held for those wishing to participate- £1.00 per member (to Ridge Funds) - you are asked to bring along a small unmarked gift-wrapped item - value approx £1 - £2 - for participation in this event.
- A chance to relax and enjoy the company of 'Friends'.
There will be no meeting in January and the next meeting on Monday February 5th will have Tony Waltham speaking on 'The Caves of Nottingham'.
The Committee would like to send all Friends Seasonal Greetings and a successful New Year for 2007
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.