Today we had another excellent turnout of 16 members on what turned out to be a dry and mild morning.
As we had agreed to take part in the Council's Clean and Green campaign the Mayor and Mayoress of Broxtowe visited us today. They addressed our group and thanked us for helping to maintain this green space then stayed on for a while to help with the work.
The main job today was raking the leaf and tree debris from the area that was badly damaged by fire in the summer to reduce the nutrient level. This area has been extended with encroaching gorse, broom and bramble having been removed. The object is to restore the area to grassland.
When the area was cleared 2kg of a mixture of acid grass seed was sown and then 600 plug plants were added which included birds foot trefoil, field scabious, ox-eye daisy, primrose and cowslip.
Two of the group completed the usual litter pick on both reserves and two others finished clearing an overgrown path on the Markham Road reserve.
Next month we shall be doing a litter pick of all the roads south of the Markham Road reserve which will also be part of Broxtowe's Clean and Green campaign
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.