20 members & 1 guest present. Apologies from Walter Grauberg.
Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members & guests to the meeting.
- Outcome of CAT meeting regarding the Bridleway. Lighting was not considered an option. The steps would be levelled and surfaced with a sprayed aggregate (renewable) to maintain the natural feeling of the path. Work is subject to finance being available after April 2008. Some concern remained about drainage on the path.
- Designation of Footpath. Nottingham City Council had posted a notice at the 'Devils Steps' advising that the current pathway was not officially a footpath. Measures were being taken to formally designate it as such. Objections could be made - see Notice or contact John Appleton who has details.
- Next session - Sunday October 21st - 10:30am - Meet at top of Sandy Lane. Plan to clear area around recently planted hedgerows and tidy up paths and steps. Bring gloves/rake/secateurs.
- Bird Box Raffle. Tickets still available at 50p each from Mary Curtis - to be drawn at AGM with proceeds to Group Funds.
Norman then introduced David Goddard who presented an illustrated talk on 'Wildlife' in and around Notts and Suffolk highlighting the problems that rare species presented to the Construction industry particularly the new Awsworth Bypass and the Great Crested Newt!
Norman thanked David for another informative and entertaining talk.
Advance Notice of AGM This will take place on Monday 5th November at 7:30pm. The meeting will be brief and will be followed by a Slide Show presented by John Appleton.
- Any member wishing to raise Agenda items should send to Sheila Hardy, no later than Friday 26th October.
- Nominations for election to office should also be made to the above, by the same date, supported by Proposer and Seconder.
- Reports from Chairman, Treasurer, Work Projects and Meetings will be presented.
- Note - Subscription level will be announced and members asked to renew ASAP.
The Annual Xmas Party, complete with Quiz, will take place on Monday 3rd December.
The meeting ended at 8:45pm
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.