18 Members present. Apologies from Walter Grauberg and Eric & Mary Curtis.
Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed all and reported:-
- He thanked those members who had helped with Wild Flower seeding and Hedgerow Clearing.
- Chris Riley of Broxtowe B.C. had confirmed that this year the edges of paths on the Ridge would be sprayed (eco-friendly) in order to reduce overgrowth and the need for 'manual' clearing of encroaching grass etc.
- A new Work programme for the Ridge will be distributed shortly - All are welcome to participate.
- Bramcote Park will shortly be judged again for this year’s Green Flag Award. Norman is to attend.
Norman then introduced Ian Retsonof The Woodland Trust, who gave an illustrated talk on the work and aims of the Trust, especially those areas owned by them in the East Midlands. Ian started his talk by describing the Trusts aims which are:-
- Restoration and Improvement of bio-diversity of its woodland and open spaces and increasing wildlife .
- The Creation of new native woodland by planting of native species. - Projects include Woods on your Doorstep, Childrens Events and the New National Forest comprising of 2000sq miles and 30 million trees in Middle England. Much Ancient Woodland has been lost since 1930 and there is no Legal Protection.
- Conservation f this type of woodland was a Prime Aim of the Trust.
- Lastly, that woodlands provided Enjoyment for people especially in the creation of new woodland .
The Woodland Trust has some 150,000 members and owns and manages 1100+ sites in the British Isles. (Note: The National Trust has 3.4million Members and the RSPB has 1million Members). Ian showed slides of woodland areas accessible to the public in the Leics, Derbys and Notts area, in particular Willesley Woods near Ashby de la Zouch. There are no car parks but also no charge! Norman thanked Ian for his talk on behalf of those present.
No Evening Meeting on Monday 4th June but Heather and John Cox will lead a walk round Bramcote Park in the afternoon starting at 2pm - Meet at Bramcote Hills Car Park on Ilkeston Road. Please note that the Tree Expert scheduled to accompany the group will now not be joining the walk due to illness.
Monday 2nd July - Evening Ridge Walk with Long Eaton Friends. Meet at top of Sandy Lane at 7pm - Come and see the Ridge.
Reminder - Hebbs Farm Garden - Stoke Bardolph will be open for charity on Sundays June 17th and July 15th from 2pm to 4:30pm. - All welcome. ** Could anyone going and willing to offer a lift, please contact Sheila so this can be arranged.
Meeting closed at 8.45pm.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.