20 members present

Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed all to the meeting and particularly Eric Curtis after his recent illness.

  • Sharpes the Florist/ Greengrocers are now stocking 'approved' bird food. Thanks to Maureen Snow for this information and to John Appleton for checking.
  • There have been reports recently of a cockatiel being seen flying around on the Ridge.
  • Over the summer, walks & visits have been arranged and enjoyed by members. Thanks to Heather for arranging.
  • Trees, hedgerows and grass on the Ridge have suffered from the heat and there have been 3 fires with significant losses to our winter planting.
  • A number of blue markers have appeared on the Ridge and these define the perimeter of the land owned by Mr Willoughby who plans to fence and wire it. The area is more extensive than initially thought. A meeting has been arranged by Broxtowe BC and Mr Willoughby to discuss. Norman has been invited to attend and will monitor and report back.
  • Fencing which has been erected which prevents access to the Ridge has been challenged as blocking a Right of Way. A petition has been launched by Mr Slade to have it removed.
  • A prestigious Greenflag Award has now been received by Broxtowe BC for Bramcote Park. Congratulations - It's official.
  • John Appleton reported that the grass area due to be mown and cleared was in poor condition because of dryness and subsequent rain. Broxtowe BC have agreed to 'harvest' the grass with special mowing equipment which will also pick up the cut grass.
  • Therefore there will be NO Workday on Saturday September 30th but the new Work Programme will include an activity for Sunday 1st October.
  • Norman will not be applying for Project Funding this year, but suggested that as part of the group’s winter activities, help might be given to BBC with a litter sweep in Bramcote Park in order to maintain its Green Flag status.


  • Eric thanked Members for cards etc during his illness and to the Friends for a box of fruit. Also, to Barbara Dexter for her Rock Cakes. He also asked members to save used C5 envelopes to be used to distribute notices - please bring to next meeting.
  • As the scheduled speaker, Geoff Fewkes was unable to attend, John Cox gave an extremely informative talk about historical aspects of the Lake District, beautifully illustrated with slides. Many thanks for stepping in at short notice.

The next meeting is on Monday 2nd October at 7:30pm. Guest Speaker will be Roger Wood whose subject will be ' Wildlife over the Stile'.

The meeting ended at 8:45pm.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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