20 members present. Apologies G.Davies
Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed all to the meeting and gave the following Notices:-
- Tree & Hedgerow planting sessions had been well supported and the work was completed successfully in good weather.
- We had received good publicity in The Beeston Express and The Trader for the official opening of the Ridge as a Local Nature Reserve by the Lady Mayoress of Broxtowe B.C. It had been well attended by Members.
Display Boards giving information about the 'Ridge' will be.sited in 2 locations within the next 2 to 3 months. Possible sites are·-
- Opposite the Golf Course entrance Thoresby Road
- In the Markham Road area.
Final decision awaited
Norman then introduced Guest Speaker - Dr. Andrew Howard from the British Geological Survey, based in Keyworth, who gave an illustrated talk on the origins of the geological features of Nottingham and the surrounding area and detailed its relevance to mining, building and the economic development of Nottingham in general.
It was much appreciated by the members and instigated a number of interesting question to Dr. Howard.
For Information:
Our website address is www.bramcote-ridge.org.uk
Contact Numbers for reporting matters of concern, eg. Fires, Vandalism and Anti-Social Activities on the Ridge:
- Community Issues/AntiSocial behavior - 939000 Ext 5676
- Incidents involving Criminal Damage - 939000 Extn 2130
Forward Dates for your Diary
- Sunday March 26th - 10:30am at Sandy Lane Planting of Seeds - Work on Paths. Will need Spade, Trowel and Gloves.
- Monday April 6th - 7:30pm at The Rose Grower. Stuart Dixon will speak on the Garden of Hebbs FarmHouse.
- Sunday April 30th - Bramble thinning -Additional Path Work. Will need Spade, Secateurs and Gloves.
The meeting ended at 9:00pm.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.