1, Geoff Fewkes was warmly thanked for leading the walk on 17 May. A programme of work was distributed for three Sunday morning Sessions at 10:30am to bash bracken and pull rosebay on 27 June, 11 July and 8 August. (Meet at the top of Sandy Lane).
Perhaps Richard Phipps, who is making a video on ‘Bramcote in Action’ for the millennium Exhibition can come to one of these sessions.
2, A small steering group was formed, consisting of John Appleton, Norman Clyde-Watson, Sheila Hardy and Geoff Smith, to assist Walter Grauberg, Geoff Fewkes and Martin Lockett. It would draft a constitution for the end of October
3, The contribution of the Friends to the Millennium Exhibition in the week of 25 September was discussed. Three sets of photographs were passed round (by Sheila Hardy, John Appleton and Eric & Mary Curtis). Walter to find out how much space would be available on the display board. The Friends’ display should present the group’s aims and objectives, history so far, maps of the area and photos of the vegetation, birds and butterfliers to be found there. As much material as possible should be brought to the next meeting.
The dates of the next 3 meetings were confirmed (all 7:30 at the Rose Grower)
- Monday 5 July
- Monday 2 August
- Monday 6 September Walter will invite Terry Birch, Chairman of the friends of Brierley Park, to come to either the August or September meeting.
5, Publicity for the Friends was discussed. Walter would write a piece for the Evening Post, and, later for one of the free papers. Help would be sought to design a logo.
6, Heavy rain was causing damage to footpaths, particularly the step path near 92 Thoresby Road. Walter would contact Tim Crawford, also mention the mowing of the grass in the autumn.
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.