The meeting was called by Bramcote Hills community association (BHCA), in response to a general public invitation extend by Walter Grauberg (WG) and Stan Heptinstall (SH) through the circular distributed in early April.

The meeting was chaired by WG who welcomed the 40 people present and introduced Chris Riley from Broxtowe Borough Council and Geoff Fewkes (resident) who has taken a special scientific interest in the area and for which he has produced a draft Management Plan.

WG in his introduction indicated the attractions of the semi-wild state of the area, and emphasised that there was no intention to see the area sanitised into a formal park. However, some deterioration has been observed, due to vandalism on the one hand and natural deterioration on the other. The desire of many is to see the quality of the area maintained. The land is in the ownership of BBC and has been designated to be Protected Open Land, as indicated in various planning documents. Up until now the BBC has carried out several improvements, viz, placing of bollards at the entrances: bridleway improvement: path surfacing: public notices, etc.

BBC has little monies it can allocate to any major programs although provision of doggy-dirt bins and public signs did fall within their remit. However various charitable trusts could be approached with modest requests for worthwhile improvements.

After prolonged discussion it was decided that in the first instance any FBR Group formed would concentrate on the western area of the ridge, ie, between Thoresby Road and the Sandy Lane Bridleway. This is not necessarily because of greater need, but simply because the land ownership was much simpler, being completely in the control of the BBC. Experience gained in this area could then be extended to cover the eastern ridge area in the future.

The question of vandalism was vigorously aired, with comments on security, etc. It was agreed that individual users should take their initiative in reporting any security problems directly to the police, thus strengthening the existing Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and allowing the FBR Group to concentrate on the environment.

WG circulated an active/passive signature list for those who were interested in seeing the formation of an FBR Management Group (FBRMG) to determine the level of interest.


  • It was considered important to maintain and improve the amenity
  • An FBRMG would be helpful to maintain the area to this end
  • Affiliation to the BHCG would be an advantage
  • The next meeting of those who wish to be more actively involved will be the 10th May at 7:30pm at the Rosegrower
  • The meeting will determine the role of such a management group (tidiness, footpath clearing, reseeding, fire control, etc) and how the FBRMG should be chosen.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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