Walter Grauberg convened and chaired the metting. There were about 24 people present. Water introduced Martin Loockhart from the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (and also a local resident), Chris Riley from Broxtowe Borough Council and Greoff Fewkes whose research study is informing some of our discussions.
Action programme – what needs to be done?
Geoff Fewkes’ study suggests that there is too much bracken: it needs “beating” , Rosebay Willowherb and Nettles also need managing as they are too aggressive, but are also part of the balance of nature! Furse/Broom is a good (human) barrier. It is also the plant from which Bramcote derives its name.
Agreed: All interested would meet to have a guided site walk to gain a mutual agreement on what we are talking about both geographically and biologically.
Meet at the top of Sandy Lane next Monday – 17th May at 7:00pm
Recording Programme
Photographic record could be made. Any old photographs? Bird watchers too. Any information old or new could be used to build up a record of the area.
Action: ALL.
Organisation of Group
Walter handed round a document from the Friends of Colliers Wood (Eastwood). We felt it was a bit to “heavy” for this stage of our development, and the small size of the group. After the “walkabout” on Monday a small group might resort to the Rosegrower and draft out something more in line with where we are at.
Should we affiliate to other bodies? As subs are small and advantages are to be had, it was agreed that we should when we are established.
Name of Organisation
Agreed: “The Friends of Bramcote Ridge”. The name is deliberately vague an all encompassing
Next meetings
Agreed: first Monday of the month
The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...
- to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
- to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
- to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.