Blog and News

On another hot and sunny day we had 11 members turn out which was quite good as 3 of regulars were away for the weekend. Work completed on both reserves was as follows:

  • The six new Green Flag signs for 2018/2019 were erected.

  • Two paths that were badly overgrown were cleared.
  • Broom...

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Here's the latest quarterly newsletter from the Friends.

Featured in this issue:

  • An Appeal from the Chair
  • Green Flag Community Award
  • Pathway Application
  • Work Session Report April to June 2018
  • Unwanted Tools
  • Wildflower Areas and Fire Damage

    Click to Download (pdf)

The newslet...

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The private land recently sold at auction lies to the east of the Sandy Lane bridleway and runs as far as the public footpath between Kingsdown Mount and Heather Rise. It covers an area of 11.5 acres.

Whilst this land is adjacent to the two local nature reserves, known as Alexandrina Plantation L...

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The two local nature reserves managed by The Friends of Bramcote Ridge have, once again, been awarded the Green Flag Community Award for 2018-2019. This is the tenth consecutive year they have obtained this award, and it is a fitting tribute to the hard working volunteers who regularly devote th...

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On what was a very hot summer's day 12 volunteers braved the sunshine, all were well armed with water bottles and wearing suitable protection against the sun (28⁰C).

Most of the group concentrated are clearing overgrown paths.

We also removed a medium size sycamore tree and cleared a dead ha...

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On a very warm sunny morning we had 12 volunteers attend, and the jobs completed where as follows:

  1. A large area of rosebay willow herb was cut down to ground level before it had started to flower. Usually this is something that's gets forgotten until it is going to seed and much as we like it i...

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