18 members present. Apologies from Linda & Phil Whitt, Doreen & Geoff Smith, Geoff Fewkes and Iris Clarke

The main item was a talk by John Appleton on Birdlife on the Ridge. Illustrated with his own colour sketches and sound recordings, and interspersed with readings by his wife Sandra from a collection of poems called ‘Cheerfulness of Sparrows’ by Peter Walton. The talk was both informative and entertaining

The following are a few facts from the talk:

  • There are 9000 species of bird in the world - 558 in Britain, 180 locally and 43 recorded over 2-3 years on the ridge.
  • The most common bird is the wren.
  • In 1971 John recorded 54 species in his own garden (some now not seen), including reed bunting, skylark, bunting and barn owl.
  • Magpies - there is no evidence that they are responsible for the decline in songbirds
  • Sisken - the smallest finch. Likes birch and alder
  • Goldcrest - (October to March) the smallest UK bird weighing 6 grams
  • Longtailed Tit - 5½” with 3” tail. Nest of lichen, spiderweb and feathers
  • Swift – 6½” long with 15” wingspan. Spends first 2-3 years on the wing, migrating to South Africa twice without landing
  • Bullfinch – pairs for life. Numbers declining and ‘red alert’ list

Future Monday Meetings

  • 6 March - Mr Charles Lowe will talk on the former nursery. (Mr Woodhouse from the former Bankfield farm may attend)
  • 3 April – Geoff Fewkes will lead a walk to look at grasses and flora of the area
  • May – John Appleton may organise a session on making bird boxes


  • Walter updated the group on moves to get funding for a path. Groundwork Greater Nottingham willing to process application in new financial year starting April.
  • Leaflets on wildlife walks available from Broxtowe BC, eg 1 hour walk through Hemlock Stone Woods on Sunday 27 February, starting at 2pm
  • On 1 March the Bramcote conservation Society is meeting at 7:30 in the Bramcote Church School for a slide shoe by Dr Tom Fletcher ‘A drive in the Hindu Kush’

Important Note The group now numbers 32 paid up members. We very much hope that more will join even if they are unable to help on a regular basis in our activities. The subscription is very modest, £2 per annum, payable to our treasurer Laurence Cooper. If you wish to show you support for what we are doing and receive these monthly summaries, please contact Mr Cooper.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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