Meeting attended by 17 members and Chris Riley from Broxtowe Borough Council. Apologies from Norman Clyde-Watson.
Path. Amanda Blicq, Chief Landscape Architect at Groundwork Greater Nottingham, who handles our application has been on holiday. Walter hopes to report at the next meeting. Chris Ri...
Guided Walk. 16 members took part in an evening walk on Monday 5th June, in which Geoff Fewkes pointed out some of the plants that grow in on the Ridge. How many of us can spot cow parsley (abundant); seeps sorrel, garlic mustard (frequent); hedge woundwort, germander speedwell, red & white campio...
Path. Walter reported on the present situation. Amanda Blicq from Groundwork Greater Nottingham has been given the measurements for the proposed length and width of the path and has estimated the cost of materials and hire of a roller at £2500. She expressed some doubts as to whether we had the...
17 present. Apologies from Geoff Fewkes and Doreen Smith.
The work of the BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers). John Ankers, project officer at the Local BTCV, was due to give this talk but had to withdraw because of family illness. Martin Lockett substituted for him.
BTCV is now...
21 members were present. Apologies were received from Iris Copper. Mr J G woodhouse, the former owner of Banfield Farm had hoped to attend: he will try to do so in the autumn
The meeting was mainly devoted to a fascinating talk by Mr Charles Lowe on the history of the family rose growing and nur...
1, Bracken. The bash on Sunday 6th August was again very successful. Looking ‘well hammered’ it seems to have had enough for this season. Unfortunately, it will sprout again nest spring and will require further attacks. Well done to all who helped.
2, Brierley Park. Terry Birch, Chairman of...