Thank you to a very special man!

In 1999 a young man living on Sandy Lane wrote a research paper about Bramcote Ridge as part of his studies. It was seen by locals, Stan and Walter, who were so impressed by it that they convened a meeting to ascertain if local residents would be interested in forming a group to help to look after the area.

Thus began The Friends of Bramcote Ridge. That man was Geoff who inspired us, worked with us and soon created our brilliant website which he has maintained excellently ever since even though he moved to Cumbria nearly 20 years ago.

There is a wealth of interesting information about every aspect of the two adjacent reserves quite apart from the regularly updated blog. As soon as we have sent the latest newsletter, work session report or other information such as news about the Green Flag Award Geoff has it on the website within a few hours. However his links and visits to Nottingham have diminished considerably over the last few years and he told us a few months ago that he thought it was the right time to pass on the role of webmaster to someone else.

We were sad to hear this as Geoff has been so brilliant for all these years but fully understand his reasons and count ourselves very lucky indeed that he has maintained it for so long. Fortunately our secretary, Nick, has agreed to take over and after a short hiatus in January for the necessary transference it is up and running again.

We really can’t even begin to thank Geoff enough for everything. He little knew what would result from his study paper on the patch of open land at the top of his road and that he would consequently spend his time, efforts - and his own money as he has never claimed back the website cost – for the next twenty five years.

We think he deserves a Green flag lifetime award of his own.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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