28 members present. Apologies from M.& G.Davies, W.Grauberg and L.Cooper.

Notes from the Chairman - Norman Clyde-Watson.

  • Apologies for cancellation of the February meeting. Dr.Sheila Wright will be re-booked for later in the year. The RoseGrower has been booked for future meetings.
  • Dates of forthcoming meetings have been circulated - please note them in your Diary.
  • The walk planned for 11th May; date is subject to change -new date to be advised.
  • 'The Jubilee Tree' planted in the Memorial Garden is doing well & should now become established
  • Litter Pickers - if you have one and are not using it, could you please return it at the next meeting or to a Committee member to allow redistribution.

The Committee had met in February and bring the following news to members.

Survey Results - 3 replies received - Points raised

1. Additional project working days. It was decided that in future, Geoff would try to offer both Saturday and Sunday as working days. A new Project Newsletter will be circulated shortly.

It was felt that some work should enable families and children to participate. John Appleton has arranged for some wild flowers to be planted in two phases.

  • Phase 1.- Preparation of areas - Sat/Sun March 22nd/23rd. All welcome.
  • Phase 2.- Planting of seedlings. Sunday 27th April. John has asked for members willing to grow a tray of plants (compost provided if needed). Please contact him ASAP

2. Topics for Talks We should look to extend the range of topics beyond Natural History and will do this, eg. Geology of area and the effect on Flora and Fauna. Other topic suggestions would be most welcome.

On the whole, the Committee felt subjects had been well received- attendance reflected interest in the meetings, but we will continue to ensure a range of subjects.

3. Future Project Work and Funding Initiatives. The small triangular area on the lower end of the ridge might be suitable for a small plantation of trees. We are seeking the views of Broxtowe B.C.

4. Interpretation Boards These were discussed again - an alternative might be a Viewpoint direction Plaque, sited at the Viewpoint and indicating notable points of interest. Discussion needed with Broxtowe B.C. on this issue.

5. Membership. We were delighted to hear that we have 58 paid-up members and thank you for the continuing support despite an increase in membership fees.

6. Broxtowe B.C. are to hold a Green Fair later in the year - possibly May - Watch this Space.

The meeting concluded with a beautifully illustrated talk by David Goddard on 'Dragonflies and Pondlife'. Further details of these species found locally can be found on the Internet at www.british-dragonflies.org.uk. or by contacting David, who also arranges monthly walks in and around Ilkeston to look at pond life and dragonflies. Members hopefully can now distinguish between Damselflies and Dragonflies but still may find species identification harder. David also had CDs and a variety of booklets for sale along with examples ofl arvae.

The Meeting ended at 8:45pm.

Next Meeting will be Monday 7th April and there will be a talk by Marion Wallwork on National Trust Conservation Work.

Final Reminder - Next Workgroup will be on Saturday 22nd March and Sunday 23rd March (10:30am - 12:00) and will be for the preparation of areas for planting and seeding later in April.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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