A successful social evening was held in December with 27 members present. Apologies from Marilyn & Gwyn Davies, Harold & Alice Hollingsworth & Janice Oldham.

  • Norman thanked Angela & Kevin for the use of The Rose Grower for our meetings.
  • Special thanks were made to Walter for his past work as Chairman, especially in instigating the Group and for his successful application for funding for the new path, which is now complete.
  • Norman made a presentation to Walter on behalf of the committee and members.
  • Norman reminded members that subscriptions ( now £4.00 p.a. ) were due in order to continue the activities of the Group (see later ).
  • John & Heather Cox introduced a lively quiz and Eric & Mary Curtis organised the members 'raffle' which raised £27.00 for funds.
  • Members enjoyed a superb buffet contributed by themselves and the evening closed at 9.00pm.

The Committee had met in November and are pleased to announce the new membership.

  • Chairman & Programmes -Norman Clyde-Watson.
  • Vice Chairman & Minutes - Sheila Hardy.
  • Treasurer & Distribution of Newsletters- Eric Curtis.
  • Project Co-ordinator - Geoff Fewkes.
  • Admin Support -Dave Woodward.
  • 'Bird Box' & Butterfly Survey - John Appleton.
  • General Support - Geoff Ward.


1. Meetings. We start our programme for the year in February with:

  • Monday 3rd February -Dr. Sheila Wright - Talk on Moths.
  • Monday 4th March -David Goddard -Dragonflies and Pond Life.
  • Monday 7th April -Marion Wallwork -National Trust Conservation Work. A Walk is to be arranged for May.
  • Monday 2nd June -Mike Cross - Talk on Bees.

2. Subscriptions. Subscriptions are now due at £4.00 per member Payment should be made ASAP to Eric Curtis. Cheques payable to ' Friends of Bramcote Ridge'. Cash to Eric + Name and Address. The Group depends on your active support and subscriptions.

3. Future Activities. The Committee is anxious to ensure that the Group continues to promote benefits to the community through its activities and are now seeking Member’s views for any new projects or work which would achieve this.

The Friends have so far had formidable success in the 3 years of its existence, working closely with Broxtowe BC and other Groups connected with conservation. These include –

  • A hard surface path to viewpoint, now extended to form circular – walk
  • A window to the view from the Ridge
  • Bench seats
  • Steps to Thoresby Road
  • Reduction of muddy paths
  • Mowing 0f grassland area to re-establish variety of grass species
  • Removal of bracken
  • Trimming of verges
  • Bird Boxes (which have been used)
  • Security of Site
  • Reduction of litter and vandalism
  • Butterfly Survey.

Much of the above requires on-going maintenance and the Activity Days organised by Geoff need your involvement and commitment.

The Committee offer the following suggestions for new activities

  • Woodland restoration on lower end of Thoresby Road.
  • Preparation of trial areas for planting of wild flowers and planting in May.
  • Replanting/clearance of dead Broom plants.
  • Responsible use of the site & discouraging the disposal of dog waste and garden rubbish on the site. This alters the natural flora of the site.
  • Educational activities,
  • Information Boards.

You are invited to make comment on these suggestions and add your own on the attached form. Please return the completed form to a Committee Member or at the February meeting, but by no later than February 14th

Contact Numbers. Useful numbers to contact relevant people regarding issues/ problems associated with the Ridge.

  • If there are any urgent issues regarding the Ridge, eg. Motorbikes, Dumped Cars, Persons with Airguns etc. - Contact Beeston Police Station on Tel.9430999 .
  • If you see any Fires - Call 999 for Fire Brigade.
  • For other issues eg. Vandalism, Litter Dumping, Graffiti etc. - Contact a Committee Member.

And Finally... Want to be involved? John Appleton would like a volunteer to undertake one of the routes of the Butterfly survey in 2003. Short walk on the Ridge - once a week recording butterflies from identification chart. If you are interested, contact him ASAP

Also, don't forget the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch taking place on Sunday 26th Jan from 9:30 - 10:00am - this will be a group activity on the football pitch just off the path leading from Markham Road. The object is to identify and count all the birds seen there during one hour. Everyone is welcome and there will be identification guides and spare binoculars available.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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