For this session, 10 members turned out and we concentrated on clearing the sand and leaf litter that had accumulated in the low spot on the Sandy Lane Bridleway following the recent heavy rains.
To get back to the firm path surface, members of the group dug out a section of mud approx 10m in le...
Following a very poor start to the season caused by the exceptionally long and cold winter, the numbers of several species of butterflies have really bounced back, helped by the the prolonged hot spell.
Recorded numbers of ringlets. gatekeepers, peacocks, small whites and small skippers...
Lottery funding has been obtained for some hedge laying, bracken and grass clearance, and some additional signage. The area to be cleared of bracken and grass will be replanted and/or seeded with heathers. This work is being done to make the area more beneficial for breeding birds, bees and other...
On our working session on 7th July 14 members attended and we finished topping with gravel the steps installed in May as settlement had resulted in a potential hazard.
We also cleared many of the minor pathways of overhanging nettles, bramble etc and also cleared the bridle way of fallen debris a...
19 Members present. Apologies received from Claire Clyde-Watson.
Chairman Norman Clyde-Watson welcomed members to the meeting -
Due to the heavier than normal rainfall during the 'summer' of 2012, the popular path leading from the outcrop/viewpoint down through the woodland towards Brookside Avenue became seriously eroded and quite difficult to use. To limit further run-off damage and ease access the Friends installed 3 st...