Here's the latest quarterly newsletter from the Friends.

Green Flag Community award 2024

We heard in July that we had retained this award for what is now the 16th consecutive year. There were no significant recommendations on the judge’s feedback report for actions required by our group but he did mention the stepped entrance from Thoresby Road saying that the steps are high and that a handrail would be beneficial. This is something we were well aware of and the Council has recently been asked to look into it.

The judge’s final comments were: “I was impressed by the enthusiasm of the members of the FoBR when we met on the judging day and considering the standard of work carried out by the rest of the group it is a passion shared by all. The two reserves are very worthy of retaining their Green Flag Community Award accreditation.”

A big thank you to all our members for helping to achieve this.

Working sessions June 2024 – August 2024

In June nine members came and, apart from the litter collection on both reserves (which applied to all three of these reports), all the work that morning was concentrated on Alexandrina Plantation. The recent combination of rain and warm weather had caused a real spurt in the growth of everything so all the pathways here were cleared to make them safe for everyone to use.

July saw twelve members attending. Eight of the group spent the morning clearing all the Russian Vine which originated from a garden on Cranston Rd and had spread extensively onto the reserve. The huge piles of cuttings which resulted were cleared away by Broxtowe BC to whom we are very grateful. We hope to site a secure metal container here to store all the tools we use. The rest of the group cleared all the main paths on this reserve and also the bridle path.

In August we again had twelve members turning out. Once more the priority was clearing paths, mainly on Alexandrina Plantation but also on one section of the Markham Road reserve. We cleared the area surrounding the hazel trees as well.

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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